!!Brendan McCormack - Selected Publications
Brendan McCormack has >600 published outputs, including 12 books,  240 peer-reviewed journal publications, including 170 in the top 10 international peer reviewed journals in his field.\\
Total citations in Google Scholar: 24503\\
Highest citation for a single paper: 2151\\
i10 =Papers cited more than 10 times: 224\\
H-index (Google Schoolar): 64\\
H-index (Scopus): 32\\
Dewing, J., McCormack, B. and McCance, T. (2021) Person-centred Nursing Research:  Methodology, Methods and Outcomes, Springer Nature, Switzerland. [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-27868-7] \\
McCormack B, McCance T, Martin S, McMillan A, Bulley C (2021) Fundamentals of Person-centred Healthcare Practice Wiley, Oxford [https://www.perlego.com/book/2068078/fundamentals-of-personcentred-healthcare-practice-pdf?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtrSLBhCLARIsACh6Rmj9sarf1IjwEHCseXMsPLGeUTTQlJWYL6mfQEQgwO3lnLkUU9Gb0A8aAgT1EALw_wcB] \\
McCormack B and McCance T (2017) Person-centred Nursing and Health Care – Theory and Practice, Wiley Publishing, Oxford\\
McCance, T.; McCormack, B.; Slater, P.; McConnell, D. (2021) Examining the Theoretical Relationship between Constructs in the Person-Centred Practice Framework: A Structural Equation Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 13138. [https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182413138] \\
Daly Lynn, J., Washbrook, M., Ryan, A., McCormack, B. and Martin, S. (2021) Partnering with older people as peer researchers Health Expectations (early view) [https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.13331]\\
Leavy, G., Corry, DS., Waterhouse-Bradley, B., Curran, E., Todd, S., McIlfatrick, S., Coates, V., Watson, M., Abbott, A., McCrory, B. and McCormack, B. (2020) Acceptability and use of a patient-held communication tool for people living with dementia: a longitudinal qualitative study, BMJ Open, 10:e036249. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2019-036249 \\
Sampson, EL., Feast, A., Blighe, A., Froggatt, K., Marston, L., McCormack, B., Nurock, S., Panca, M., Rait, G., Woodward-Carlton, >, Young, J. and Downs, M. (2020) Pilot cluster randomised trial of an evidence-based intervention to reduce avoidable hospital admissions in nursing home residents (Better Health in Residents of Care Homes with Nursing—BHiRCH-NH Study), BMJ Open, 10 :e040732. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2020-040732 \\
McCormack, B., Dickson, C., Smith, T., Ford, H., Ludwig, S., Moyes, R., Lee, L., Adam, E., Paton, T., Lydon, B and Spiller, J. (2018) ‘It’s a nice place, a nice place to be’. The story of a practice development programme to further develop person-centred cultures in palliative and end-of-life care, International Practice Development Journal, Volume 8, Issue 1, Article 2 https://doi.org/10.19043/ipdj81.002 \\
McCormack B and Skatvedt A (2017) Older people and their care partners’ experiences of living with mental health needs: A focus on collaboration and cooperation, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22 (1-2): 103-114 DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13381 \\
Mekki, TE., Øye, C., Kristensen, BM., Dahl, H., Haaland, A., Aas Nordin, K., Strandos, MR., Terum, TM., Ydstebø, AE. And McCormack, B. (2017) The inter-play between facilitation and context in the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services framework: a qualitative exploratory implementation study embedded in a cluster randomised controlled trial to reduce restraint in nursing homes, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(11):2622-2632 [https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-017-0244-0]