!!Didier Mazel - Curriculum Vitae
*2000 HDR, University Denis Diderot - Paris 7 \\
*1990 PhD, Molecular and Cellular Genetics, University Pierre & Marie Curie - Paris 6 \\
*Since 2020 Deputy Director of Scientific Careers and Assessment at Institut Pasteur\\
*Since 2012 Professor, Institut Pasteur\\
*2009 - 2019 Director of the Genomes and Genetics department, Institut Pasteur\\
*Since 2004  Head of Bacterial Genome Plasticity Unité, Institut Pasteur\\
__Teaching responsibilities:__
*2018 Director of the MOOC ”Resistance to Antimicrobial Agents” \\
*2015 Director of the Genome Analysis Course, Institut Pasteur \\
*Chairman of the scientific and strategic council of the IRT BIOASTER (https://www.bioaster.org/), since July 2018\\
*Member of F1000, now named Faculty Opinions\\
*Member of the scientific council of the IFREMER (French Sea Research Agency) from 2007 to 2013\\ \\