!!Jiří Matoušek
[Obituary from colleagues and friends at Charles University, Prague|http://kam.mff.cuni.cz/Matousek-obituary.html], Jan Kratochvíl, Martin Loebl, Jarik Nešetřil, Pavel Valtr \\
[Obituary, ETH Zürich|http://www.inf.ethz.ch/news-and-events/spotlights/jiri-matousek.html]
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Studied at the Charles University, Prague, RNDr. (analogue of Master's degree)  in 1986, CSc. (analogue of PhD.) in 1991. Habilitation (`docent' at the Charles University) 1995, DrSc. (higher doctorate) degree in mathematics1996, Professor of computer science at the Charles University since 2000, part-time professor of computer science at the ETH Zurich.
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Published seven books, over 140 original research papers, and several surveys.
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Has been teaching regularly since 1987, courses given in Prague, Zurich, Atlanta; many subjects in mathematics and computer science including basic undergraduate courses (discrete mathematics, linear algebra), graduate courses (discrete and computational geometry, programming languages, program construction and verification, data structures, algorithms, probabilistic method), advanced courses on more special topics (topological methods in combinatorics and geometry, metric embeddings, semidefinite programming and approximation algorithms, advanced topics in discrete geometry).
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With J. Nešetřil developed the introductory course of discrete mathematics in Prague and wrote a successful textbook based on the course (so far published in 6 languages). With E. Welzl developed a course `Algorithms, Probability, Computing' at the ETH Zurich. Taught two intensive block courses for PhD students. Supervised 9 PhD students (5 already finished successfully), numerous MSc. and Bc. theses. Led research seminars for undergraduate students (combinatorics) and a reading seminar for PhD. students for many years.
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Colloquia and invited lectures at numerous conferences, universities and research centers over the world.
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Member of program committees of over 15 conferences in computer science, member of editorial boards of several journals.