!!Robin Mansell - Selected Publications
1. Mansell, R. and Steinmueller, W. E. (2020) Advanced Introduction to Platform Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 164\\
2. Cammaerts, B. and Mansell, R. (2020) 'Digital Platform Policy and Regulation: Towards a Radical Democratic Turn', International Journal of Communication, 14: 135-154.\\
3. Mansell, R. (2017) ‘Bits of Power: Struggling for Control of Information and Communication Networks’, Journal of the Political Economy of Communication, 5(1): 2-29.\\
4. Mansell, R. (2017) ‘The Mediation of Hope: Communication Technologies and Inequality in Perspective’, International Journal of Communication, 11: 4285-4304\\
5. Mansell, R. (2017) ‘Inequality and Digitally Mediated Communication: Divides, Contradictions and Consequences’, Javnost – The Public, 24(2): 146-161.\\
6. Mansell, R. and Foresta, D. (2016) ‘Social Value of High Bandwidth Networks: Creative Performance and Education’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 374(2062): 1-11.\\
7. Mansell, R. and Ang, P. H. (eds) (2015) The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society, 3 Volume Set and online, Wiley-Blackwell, 1,296 pages.\\
8. Mansell, R. (2014) ‘Futures of Knowledge Societies: Destabilization in Whose Interest?’, Information, Communication and Society, 18(6): 627-643.\\
9. Mansell, R. (2012) Imagining the Internet: Communication, Innovation and Governance. Oxford University Press, pp. 320 pages.\\
10. Mansell, R. and Raboy, M. (eds) (2011) Handbook of Global Media and Communications Policy, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 579 and online.