!!Johan P. Mackenbach - Biography
Johan Mackenbach received a Medical Doctor’s degree and a PhD in Public Health from Erasmus University in
Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He is also a registered epidemiologist and public health physician. Professor of Public
Health and chair of the Department of Public Health at Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, the

His research interests are in social epidemiology, medical demography, and health services research. 

He has (co-)authored more than 300 papers in international, peer-reviewed scientific journals, as well as a number of
books, and many book chapters and papers in Dutch-language journals. He is the editor-in-chief of the European
Journal of Public Health, and has co-ordinated a number of international-comparative studies funded by the European

His current research focuses on socioeconomic inequalities in health, on issues related to aging and
compression of morbidity, and on the effectiveness and quality of health services. He is actively engaged in exchanges
between research and policy, among others as a member of several government advisory councils in the Netherlands
(the Health Council, the Health Research Council, and the Council for Public Health and Health Care).