!!Brian Lucey - Selected Publications
||Authors	||Title	||Year	||Source title	||Volume	||Cited by\\
|Dowling M., Lucey B.	|ChatGPT for (Finance) research: The Bananarama Conjecture|	2023	|Finance Research Letters	|53	|103\\
|Ren X., Li J., He F., Lucey B.	|Impact of climate policy uncertainty on traditional energy and green markets: Evidence from time-varying granger tests	|2023	|Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews	|173	|80\\
|Karim S., Lucey B.M., Naeem M.A., Vigne S.A.	|The dark side of Bitcoin: Do Emerging Asian Islamic markets help subdue the ethical risk?	|2023	|Emerging Markets Review	|54	|41\\
|Lucey B.M., Vigne S.A., Yarovaya L., Wang Y.	|The cryptocurrency uncertainty index	|2022	|Finance Research Letters	|45	|139\\
|Karim S., Lucey B.M., Naeem M.A., Uddin G.S.	|Examining the interrelatedness of NFTs, DeFi tokens and cryptocurrencies	|2022	|Finance Research Letters|	47	|130\\
|Ren B., Lucey B.	|A clean, green haven?—Examining the relationship between clean energy, clean and dirty cryptocurrencies	|2022	|Energy Economics	|109	|65\\
|Akhtaruzzaman M., Boubaker S., Lucey B.M., Sensoy A.	|Is gold a hedge or a safe-haven asset in the COVID–19 crisis?	|2021	|Economic Modelling	|102	|236\\
|Bouri E., Lucey B., Saeed T., Vo X.V.	|The realized volatility of commodity futures: Interconnectedness and determinants	|2021	|International Review of Economics and Finance	|73	|70\\
|Corbet S., Larkin C., Lucey B.	|The contagion effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from gold and cryptocurrencies	|2020	|Finance Research Letters	|35	|513\\
|Bouri E., Lucey B., Saeed T., Vo X.V.	|Extreme spillovers across Asian-Pacific currencies: A quantile-based analysis	|2020	|International Review of Financial Analysis	|72	|74\\
|Corbet S., Lucey B., Urquhart A., Yarovaya L.	|Cryptocurrencies as a financial asset: A systematic analysis	|2019	|International Review of Financial Analysis	|62	|543\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit blucey}][{ALLOW upload blucey}][{ALLOW comment All}]