!!José Lucas - Selected Publications
Total Publications in WOS: 119 (h-index: 44,  Average citations per item: 59,42). Times Cited: 7.071\\
Parras A, Anta H, Santos-Galindo M, Swarup V, Elorza A, Nieto-González JL, Picó S, Hernández  IH,  Díaz-Hernández  JI,  Belloc  E,  Rodolosse  A,  Parikshak NN,  Peñagarikano O, Fernández-Chacón   R,  Irimia  M,  Navarro  P,  Geschwind  DH,  Méndez R  &  Lucas JJ (2018)\\Autism-like  phenotype  and  risk  gene  mRNA  deadenylation  by  CPEB4  mis-splicing.\\Nature  560: 441-6 IF:  41.577\\
Hernández IH, Torres-Peraza J, Santos-Galindo M, Ramos-Morón E, Fernández-Fernández MR, Pérez-Álvarez MJ, Miranda-Vizuete A & Lucas JJ (2017) The neuroprotective transcription factor ATF5 is decreased and sequestered into polyglutamine inclusions in Huntington's disease.\\Acta Neuropathol 134:839-850. IF: 15.872\\
Fernández-Nogales M, Cabrera JR, Santos-Galindo M, Hoozemans JJM, Ferrer I, Rozemuller AJM, Hernández F, Avila J & Lucas JJ (2014) Huntington’s disease is a four-repeat tauopathy with tau-nuclear rods.\\Nature Medicine  20:881-5                   I.F.:  28.054\\
Torres-Peraza JF, Engel T, Martín-Ibañez R, Fernández-Fernández MR, Esgleas M, Canals JM, Henshall DC & Lucas JJ (2013) Protective neuronal induction of ATF5 in endoplasmic reticulum stress induced by status epilepticus\\Brain 136:1161-76 I.F.: 9.457\\
Gomez-Sintes R & Lucas JJ (2010) NFAT/Fas-signaling mediates apoptosis and neurological  side  effects  of  GSK-3  inhibition  in  a  mouse  model  of  lithium  therapy.\\J Clin Invest 120:2432-45 I.F.:  16.559\\
Maynard CJ, Böttcher C, Ortega Z, Smith R, Florea BI, Diaz-Hernandez M, Brundin P, Overkleeft H, Li JY, Lucas JJ & Dantuma N (2009) Accumulation of ubiquitin conjugates in a polyglutamine disease model occurs without global ubiquitin/proteasome system impairment.\\PNAS 106:13986-91 I.F.:  9.380\\
Gómez-Sintes R, Hernández F, Bortolozzi A, Artigas F, Avila J, Zaratin P, Gotteland J-P & Lucas JJ (2007)\\Neuronal apoptosis and reversible motor deficit in dominat-negative GSK-3 conditional transgenic mice.\\EMBO J  26: 2743-54                             I.F.: 10.086\\
Yamamoto A*, Lucas JJ* & Hen R (2000)  *These authors contributed equally to the work\\Reversal of neuropathology and motor dysfunction in a conditional model of Huntingtron´s Disease.\\Cell 101: 57-66                                        I.F.: 32.440\\
Rocha, B., Scearce-Levie, K., Lucas, J.J., Hiroi, N., Castanon, N., Crabbe, J.C., Nestler, E.J., & Hen, R. (1998)\\Increased vulnerability to cocaine in mice lacking the 5-HT1B receptor.\\Nature  393: 175-178.                          I.F.:  28.833\\
Lucas, J.J., Mellstrom, B. Colado, M.I. & Naranjo, J.R. (1993)\\Molecular Mechanisms of pain: Serotonin1A receptor agonists trigger transactivation by c-fos of the prodynorphin gene in spinal cord neurons.\\Neuron  10: 599-611.                           I.F.:  17.256