!!Roberto Longo - Biography
Born 1953, Roberto Longo got his “Laurea” in Rome University, 1975, assistant Professor there since 1977, full Professor In the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”  from 1986 to present.\\
He founded in 2010 and directed since, the Centre for Mathematics and Theoretical Physics in Rome.\\
He was able to develop a remarkable group of young researchers in his department, giving rise to one of the world wide most lively centers of activity on Operator algebras and Algebraic Quantum Field Theory, especially on Conformal QFT and subfactor theory.\\
He kept intense collaborations and exchanges with many Collegues in Europe, especially in Germany,  and in Japan, in the  United States, Promoting Meetings and Research Institutes.\\
Invited Lecturer at the ICM, Zurich 1994, at the ICMP Berlin 1981, Swansea 1988, Paris 1994, Lisbon 2003 and, as a Plenary Speaker, Prague 2010, and Plenary Speaker at Strings 2018, Okinawa. \\
He obtained twice the ERC Advanced Grant, for the projects “Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory”, 2008 - 2013, and “Quantum Algebraic Structures and Models”, 2015 - 2022.\\ \\