!!Pierre-LouisLions - Selected publications

*The concentration-compactness principle in the Calculus of Variations. Ann. I.H.P. Anal. Non-lineaire, 1 (1984), p. 109-145 et 223-283. Riv. Mat. Iberoamericana, 1 (1985), p. 45-121 et p. 145-201.

*On the Cauchy problem for Boltzmann equations: global existence and weak stability. Ann. of Math., 130 (1989), p. 321-366 (avec R.J. Di Perna).

*Ordinary differential equations, Sobolev spaces and transport theory. Inventiores, 98 (1989), p. 511-547 (avec R.J. Di Perna).

*Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, Vol. I, 1996 ; Vol. II, 1998. 

*Thermodynamical limit for Thomas-Fermi type models. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1998 (avec I. Catto et C. Le Bris).
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