!!Joachim Lingner - Selected Publications
[Full list of publications|https://www.epfl.ch/labs/lingner-lab/publications] 
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h-index: 52; 11'516 citations for 95 publications listed on [http://www.scopus.com]\\
VanĨevska A., Ahmed W., Pfeiffer V., Feretzaki M., Boulton S.J., Lingner J. (2020). SMCHD1 promotes ATM-dependent DNA damage signaling and repair of uncapped telomeres. EMBO J Feb 21:e102668. doi: 10.15252/embj.2019102668. [[Epub ahead of print]\\
Ahmed, W., and Lingner, J. (2018). PRDX1 and MTH1 cooperate to prevent ROS-mediated inhibition of telomerase. Genes Dev 32, 658-669.\\
Vancevska, A., Douglass, K.M, Pfeiffer, V., Manley, S., and Lingner J. (2017). The telomeric DNA damage response occurs in the absence of chromatin decompaction. Genes Dev 31, 567-577.\\
Aeby E., Ahmed W., Redon S., Simanis V., Lingner J. (2016). Peroxiredoxin 1 protects pelomeres from oxidative damage and preserves Telomeric DNA for Extension by Telomerase. Cell reports 17, 3107-3114.\\
Porro, A., Feuerhahn, S., Delafontaine, J., Riethman, H., Rougement, J., and Lingner, J. (2014). Functional characterization of the TERRA transcriptome at damaged telomeres. Nat Commun 5, 5379.\\
Grolimund, L., Aeby, E., Hamelin, R., Armand, F., Chiappe, D., Moniatte, M., and Lingner, J. (2013). A quantitative telomeric chromatin isolation protocol identifies different telomeric states. Nat Commun 4, 2848.\\
Chen, L. Y., Redon, S., and Lingner, J. (2012) The human CST complex is a terminator of telomerase activity, Nature 488, 540-544.\\
Azzalin, C. M., Reichenbach, P., Khoriauli, L., Giulotto, E., and Lingner, J. (2007) Telomeric repeat containing RNA and RNA surveillance factors at mammalian chromosome ends, Science 318, 798-801.\\
Teixeira, M. T., Arneric, M., Sperisen, P., and Lingner, J. (2004) Telomere length homeostasis is achieved via a switch between telomerase- extendible and -nonextendible states, Cell 117, 323-335.\\
Lingner, J., Hughes, T. R., Shevchenko, A., Mann, M., Lundblad, V., and Cech, T. R. (1997) Reverse transcriptase motifs in the catalytic subunit of telomerase, Science 276, 561-567.