!!Aija Linē - Curriculum Vitae
*1998-2002: PhD student, University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology. PhD was awarded for thesis “Human Tumour Antigens: serological identification, molecular characterisation and use as molecular markers for diagnosis” on 22.10.2002. Supervisors: Prof. RC Rees (Nottingham), Prof. E. Grens.\\
*2003 - present: principal investigator, head of Cancer Molecular Genetics group, Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre (BMC).\\
*2005 - 2008: researcher, University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology.\\
*2004 - 2005: associated professor (deputy), Dept. of Biology and Medical Genetics, Riga Stradins University. \\
*1993 - 2002: research fellow, Biomedical Research and Study Centre, University of Latvia.\\
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*2009 - present: alternate member of Committee for Advanced Therapies, European Medicines Agency (EMEA). \\
*2008 - expert for EU FP7 Research for SMEs proposals, Call 2 (FP7-SME-2008-1) and Marie Curie Actions (FP7-PEOPLE-*2009-IXF and FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IEF-IIF-IOF, FP-PEOPLE-2011-CIG and FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF-IIF-IOF)\\
*2008  - present: expert for Latvian Council of Sciences research grants\\
*2005 - present: editor for Central European Journal of Biology (CEJB).\\
*2009 - present: editorial board member of Cancer Biomarkers.\\
*2003 - present: UNEP/GEF Biosafety Clearing-house expert.\\
*2003 - 2004: development of assays for molecular diagnostics of leukaemia, GenEra, Ltd.