!!Zhao-Liang Li 
Zhao-Liang Li has published more than 330 scientific papers including 212 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 4 monographs and 15 chapters in books and authorized 18 Chinese national invention patents
!!10 Selected Publications

1. F. Becker and Zhao-Liang Li, (1990), Towards a local split window method over land surfaces. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 11(3): 369-393. The proposed method is being used as the current split-window prototype method for known emissivity and utilized by NASA to produce operationally daily global MODIS 1 km land surface temperature (LST) retrieval product. The paper has been cited 826 times since its appearance according to the google scholar. \\
2. Zhao-Liang Li* and F. Becker, (1993), Feasibility of land surface temperature and emissivity determination from AVHRR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 43: 67-85. This paper proposed an original method permitting to retrieval for a first time land surface emissivity from combined thermal infrared and middle infrared data, the paper has been cited 409 times since its appearance according to the google scholar.\\
3. Z. Wan and Zhao-Liang Li, (1997), A physics-based algorithm for retrieving land surface emissivity and temperature from EOS/MODIS data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 35(4): 980-996.  The proposed algorithm is being used to retrieve simultaneously LST and emissivity from multi-channel and multi-temporal remote sensing data and utilized by NASA to produce operationally daily global MODIS 5 km LST retrieval product. The paper has been cited 778 times since its appearance.\\
4. Z. Wan and Zhao-Liang Li*, (2008), Radiance-based validation of the V5 MODIS land-surface temperature product. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(17): 5373-5395. Radiance-based LST validation method was proposed to provide a new validating technique for LST retrieval products and has been utilized by the International EOS Committee as one of the four existing remote sensing retrieval product validation methods. The paper has been cited 206 times since its appearance.\\
5. Zhao-Liang Li, R.L. Tang, Z. Wan, Y. Bi, C. Zhou, B.-H. Tang, G.J. Yan and X. Zhang, (2009), A review of current methodologies for regional evapotranspiration estimation from remotely sensed data. Sensors, 9: 3801-3853.  Review paper.  This paper provides an overview of a variety of methods that have been developed to estimate land surface evapotranspiration on a field, regional and large scales, based mainly on remotely sensed data.  The paper has been cited 473 times since its appearance.\\
6. R.L. Tang, Zhao-Liang Li* and B.-H. Tang, (2010), An application of the Ts‐VI triangle method with enhanced edges determination for evapotranspiration estimation from MODIS data in arid and semi-arid regions: Implementation and Validation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114: 540-551. This paper proposed an automatic dry and wet edge determination method to filter the outliers. It has been cited 275 times since its appearance and positioned in the top 1% of the papers in the field of geosciences and marked as "highly cited paper" by the ESI (Essential Science Index). \\
7. Zhao-Liang Li*, B.-H. Tang, H. Wu, H. Ren, G.J. Yan, Z. Wan, I.F. Trigo and J. Sobrino, (2013), Satellite-derived land surface temperature: Current status and perspectives. Remote Sensing of Environment (RSE). 131: 14-37.  Review paper. This paper provides an overview of the existing methods for estimating LST from the thermal infrared data and suggests the future research directions. It has been cited 657 times since its appearance in 2013. It is positioned in the top 1% of the papers in the field of geosciences and marked as "highly cited paper" by the ESI. It is also the second most cited paper published in recent 5 years (2012-2016) in the RSE (rank 1 in the field of remote sensing) .\\
8. Zhao-Liang Li*, H. Wu, N. Wang, Q. Shi, J.A. Sobrino, Z. Wan, B.-H. Tang, and G.J. Yan, (2013), Land surface emissivity retrieval from satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 34(9-10): 3084-3127. Review paper. This paper is a synthesis of existing methods to determine the land surface emissivity from spatial data. It has been cited 236 times since its appearance in 2013. It is positioned in the top 1% of the papers in the field of geosciences and marked as "highly cited paper" by the ESI. It is the fourth most cited paper published in the last 5 years (2012-2016) in the IJRS.
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9. S.-B. Duan, Zhao-Liang Li*, P. Leng, (2017), A framework for the retrieval of all-weather land surface temperature at a high spatial resolution from polar-orbiting thermal infrared and passive microwave data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 195: 107-117.\\
10. R.L. Tang, Zhao-Liang Li*, (2017), An end-member based two-source approach for estimating soil and vegetation energy fluxes from remote sensing data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 55(10): 5818-5832.\\

 *indicates the corresponding author