!!Jean-Marc Leveratto - Selected Publications
La mesure de l'art. Une sociologie de la qualité artistique, Paris, La dispute, 2000. \\
Introduction à l’anthropologie du spectacle, Paris, La dispute, 2006.\\
Internet et la sociabilité littéraire, Paris, BPI, 2008 (avec Mary Leontsini)\\
Cinéma, spaghettis, classe ouvrière et immigration, Paris, La dispute, 2010. \\
Cinéphiles et cinéphilies, Paris, Armand Colin, 2010 (avec Laurent Jullier)\\
"The State, the Cinema and the Audience. A French Sociological Point of View", in Laura Leonardi (ed.), Opening the European Box. Towards a New Sociology of Europe, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2007, p 183-205.  \\
"The ‘Techniques of the body’ by Marcel Mauss : American Culture, Everyday Life and French Theory" in Cherry Schrecker (ed.), Transatlantic Voyages and Sociology, London Ashgate, 2010, p. 83-96.\\
"Cinephilia in the digital age" (avec Laurent Jullier) in Ian Christie (ed), Audiences : defining and researching screen entertainment reception, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2012, p. 143-154.\\
Ethnography as a Tool of Cinema History: Cinemagoing in Light of the Experience of a. Local Film Market (with Fabrice Montebello), 2017, Alphaville, Journal of Film and Screen Media\\
"Du mode d’existence cinématographique de la classe ouvrière", Poli, Regards de classe, 2018.