!!Sabina Leonelli - Publications
__Ten top publications from the last five years:__\\
1. Beaulieu, A. and Leonelli, S. (in press, 2021) Data and Society: A Critical Introduction. SAGE.\\
2. Leonelli, S. (2021) Data Science in Times of Pan(dem)ic. Harvard Data Science Review 3(1) [[[https://doi.org/10.1162/99608f92.fbb1bdd69 [[featured article with seven discussion pieces and author rejoinder].\\
3. Leonelli, S. and Tempini, N. (eds) (2020) Data Journeys in the Sciences. Springer. Open Access. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030371760 \\
4. Ankeny, R.A. and Leonelli, S. (2020) Model Organisms. Elements Series, Cambridge University Press. Open Access. [https://www.cambridge.org/core/elements/model-organisms/F895B26EAC0373BCA5A138835AC73AEA] \\
5. Leonelli, S. (2019) What Distinguishes Data from Models? European Journal for the Philosophy of Science 9:22 (27 pages) [https://doi.org/10.1007/s13194-018-0246-0] \\
6. Leonelli, S. and Tempini, N. (2018) Where Health and Environment Meet: The Use of Invariant Parameters in Big Data Analysis. Synthese. Special issue “Philosophy of Epidemiology”. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-018-1844-2\\
7. Leonelli, S. (2018) La Ricerca Scientifica Nell’Era Dei Big Data. Meltemi Editore. (“Scientific Research in the Age of Big Data”). ISBN 9788883539015.\\
French translation: Leonelli, S. (2019) La Recherche Scientifique à l’Ère des Big Data: Cinq Façons Donc les Données Massive Nuisent à la Science, et Comment la Sauver. Éditions Mimésis.  A Portoguese translation is in preparation for distribution in Brazil. \\
8. Leonelli, S. (2016) Data-Centric Biology: A Philosophical Study. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.  [[Winner of Lakatos prize for outstanding contribution to the philosophy of science] \\
9. Ankeny, RA and Leonelli, S. (2016) Repertoires: A Post-Kuhnian Perspective on Scientific Change and Collaborative Research. Studies in the History and the Philosophy of Science: Part A 60: 18-28. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0039368116300449] \\
10. Leonelli, S. (2016) Locating Ethics in Data Science: Responsibility and Accountability in Global and Distributed Knowledge Production. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Part A. 374: 20160122.  [http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2016.0122]\\
[Google Scholar Profile|https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=uNj98SoAAAAJ&hl=nl] \\
Additionally to the top publications listed above, Leonelli edited 10 special issues for international journals in philosophy, history and social studies of science, and authored:
*60 papers in peer-reviewed, international journals within the fields of philosophy of science, social studies of science, history of science, biology, data science and bioinformatics (and generalist journals such as Nature);\\
*21 chapters in edited books, \\
*7 substantive policy reports, including 1 sole-authored report for the Swiss Research Council, 2 sole-authored reports for the European Commission on OS implementation, and 3 co-authored reports for Global Young Academy and BBSRC.