!!The Heinz-Ansmann Award for AIDS Research 
[Thomas Lengauer received the AIDS Research Award by the Heinz-Ansmann Foundation|http:///idw-online.de/de/news409910] 
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!!Thomas Lengauer
!Short laudatio by Hermann Maurer
Lengauer has had a very distinguished career. He received a Ph.D. in Mathematics already at age 24 in Berlin, and another Ph.D. in computer Science at Stanford at age 27. He was full professor at age 32 at U. Paderborn, Germany. 
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Initially a theoretician specializing in the theory of algorithms as applied to circuit construction (with a standard book in this field) he soon got fascinated in applications of Informatics to Biology and medicine. Some of his most famous and influential papers are in this area in which he is still a very active researcher (see next page, that shows 10 of his over 170 publications). With his informatics based studies of genome data  he is considered a leader in a field that sheds light on some of the more dangerous infectious diseases around (including the HIV virus).
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His achievements have been recognized in many ways, not just in professorial positions but also as head of the Max Planck Institute for Informatics.  He has graduated over 30 Ph.D. students, many of them by now themselves in prestigious positions. 
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Lengauer was coordinator of two national DF Priority Programs, he coordinated the Strategic Initiative Molecular Bioinformatics, and is currently coordinating the collaborative project “HIV Cell Entry” funded by the German Science Ministry, just to mention some highlights. 
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He has influenced the development of Informatics in Germany and Europe in a big way, as member of advisory boards, as founder of a biotech-company, as first rate educator. 
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He is active as editor/ co-editor of journals, and as organizer of important conferences. He has given numerous invited and keynote addresses.
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He obtained many distinctions, among them the Konrad Zuse Medal 2203, the Karl-Heinz-Beckurts award also 2003, and became Member of the leading Academy of Germany , the Leopoldina, in the same year. He was also appointed member of the Germany Academy of Science and Technology (acatech) in 2007. 


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