!!Helena Leino-Kilpi - Biography
Helena Leino-KilpiI is a professor in nursing science since 1998, having qualified with a degree of registered nurse (1976), MEd (1985), and PhD (1990). After completing several years in clinical practice, since 1986, she has been teaching nursing with different positions in the University. Her post-doctoral training in 1992 was at NYU. Since 2002, She has been the Head of the Department of Nursing Science at the University of Turku, Finland. This has led her to undertake  many research and administrative duties and  a cross-appointment of the Nurse director in the Turku University Hospital. \\
Helena's main teaching areas are philosophy and ethics in health care and research methods, both at masters and PhD-level. She has supervised 60 graduated PhDs, and has been leading the Finnish National Doctoral Network for several years. Her international contribution in PhD education has been multidimensional, including teaching in different countries, and establishment of a Baltic Doctoral Network, as well as working in the two other networks (in Europe, and globally). She also has many international academic duties, like research evaluations of universities, member of editorial boards of several journals and evaluation of resarch proposal for several funding organisations.\\
Her main research fields are in the ethics of health care, clinical care and pedagogic of health care and nursing. This has led to her producing more than 500 scientific publications (mainly international), and for which she has received both national and international external funding. Currently, she is supervising 10 PhD students and several post-doctoral fellows and researchers.\\
Helena has undertaken many different academic activities including evaluation of research in international universities, evaluation for funding organisations, statements for academic positions, have been/am member of several editorial boards and acts as referee for several international journals, and has been an active member of European Academy of Nursing Science for a number of years.  Her outstanding research and academic activities have been recognised by her receiving a number of prestigious honorary awards and prizes, including an Honorary doctorate from the  University of Klaipeda, Lithuania.\\ \\