!!Ulrich Lehner - Curriculum Vitae
__Academic Degrees and Education__
*2015 Ph.D. (Dr.phil.habil.), History, Central European University, Budapest\\
*2006  Ph.D. (Dr. theol.) magna cum laude, Theology, University of Regensburg/Germany\\
*2003  Dipl. theol. (= M.A.), Theology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
__Additional Studies in History and Philosophy, 1997 - 2003__ 
*2000 - 2001 Visiting Graduate Student in Philosophy and Theology at the University of Notre Dame, IN\\
*1999  Vordiplom Theologie (= B.A.), Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich ((simultaneously study of history)\\
*1999  B.A. phil. (= B.A. Philosophy) Winter 1999 , Jesuit School of Philosophy, Munich\\
*1996  Abitur (High School Graduation) 1996, Humanistisches Gymnasium Straubing, Valedictorian
__Academic Positions__
*July 2019 William K. Warren Professor, University of Notre Dame\\
*2015 - 2019 Professor, Marquette University \\
*2012 - 2015 Associate Professor at Marquette University\\
*2006 - 2012  Assistant Professor of Religious History
__Visiting Professorships__
*2022  University of Hamburg, Summer (History Dept.) \\
*2018  University of Notre Dame, Fall \\
*2018  University of Pennsylvania, Summer\\
*2008  University of Eichstätt, Summer\\ \\