!!Louis Legendre - Biography
Louis Legendre is Professor emeritus at Sorbonne University, France; he works at the Villefranche Oceanography Laboratory. Also: Professor emeritus, Laval University, Canada; Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (Academy of Science), and Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. \\
__Degrees:__ liberal arts (BA 1964) and zoology (BSc 1967), University of Montreal, Canada; oceanography (PhD 1971), Dalhousie University, Canada.\\
NATO postdoctoral fellow, France 1971-1973. Laval University, Canada 1973-2000 (Full Professor 1981). CNRS, France, Research Prof. 2000-2009. Director, Villefranche Oceanography Laboratory 2001-2010. Professor, Pierre and Marie Curie University Paris 6 (now Sorbonne University) from 2009.\\
Research fields and topics. Biological oceanography and marine biogeochemistry, Earth System Science, numerical ecology, philosophy of science. Research in tropical, temperate and polar waters. More than 550 public lectures and seminars, including 115 keynote and invited lectures, in more than 30 countries.\\
__Awards include:__ Albert 1st Medal, Oceanographic Institute, Foundation Albert 1st Prince of Monaco; Sustaining Fellow, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO); Knight, Order of Saint Charles, Principality of Monaco; Fellow, International Ecology Institute, Germany; G. Evelyn Hutchinson Award, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography; International Ecology Institute Prize; Honorary Doctorate, University of Liège, Belgium; Québec Prize in Pure and Applied Sciences; two awards from the Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences (Acfas) for Biological and Medical Sciences and for Environmental Sciences (the latter with Prof. Pierre Legendre), respectively.\\
Supervision of 39 graduate students (22 PhD, 13 MSc) and 22 postdoctoral fellows and research associates, from 9 countries.\\
__Publications:__ 266 refereed papers, 9 full books, 9 other book chapters. h-index: 70 (Google Scholar).\\ \\