!!Xavier Le Roux - Suggested readings from recent productions:

__ Have a look at this book chapter on microbial diversity-ecosystem functioning relationships :__  [Chap17 CABI Le Roux.pdf]
It highlights key issues regarding the soil microbial diversity-ecosystem functioning relationships ; not only for specialists !
__ Read about the concept of Nature-based solutions with this opinion paper :__ [Eggermont et al. 2015 (NBS).pdf] 
which presents the emergence, potential and limits of this concept that is of increasing importance in the environment domain
__ Discover what have been the main achievements of BiodivERsA over 2008-2018 :__ https://www.biodiversa.org/1554 
__ And have a look at this report which presents the temporal evolution in the type of biodiversity research funded in Europe:__  [Biodiversa database Analysis 2014.pdf]
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