!!Martin Lauritzen - Curriculum Vitae
__Education:__ University of Copenhagen, Denmark, MD, 1978, Research Fellow 1978-1986, Depts. Neurology and Neurophysiology and New York University Medical Center, Fulbright Scholar 1985-1986. Dr.med. 1988, University of Copenhagen. Clinical education at Copenhagen University Hospitals, 1987-1994, specialist in clinical neurophysiology 1993.\\
__Positions:__ Head, Dept. of Clinical Neurophysiology, Glostrup Hospital, 1994-2011, since May 2011 consultant. Professor of Clinical Neurophysiology, Uni. Copenhagen, 1998 -present, and in addition from 2007-present, Professor of Translational Neurobiology, University of Copenhagen. Visiting Professor, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 2004-2005. \\
Founding member of the steering committee for COSBID, a large multi-centre study of the importance of brain injury depolarization for the outcome of patients with trauma, hemorrhage and stroke ([http://www.cosbid.org]).  Member of steering committee Center for Healthy Aging, University of Copehagen since 2009. Since 2014, managing director of the Lundbeck Foundation Research Initiative on Brain Barriers and Drug Delivery.\\
Editorial Board, ‘Clinical Neurophysiology’ 2000-2005; Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 2006-2009.  Editor, Neuroimage 2008-2010; associate Editor, Frontiers in Neuroscience since 2009.   Editor-in-chief, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism since 2009.  \\
Member of European Chapter of Dana Alliance for the Brain since 2000.  International Scientific Advisory Board Member, Max-Planck Institute for Neurology, Cologne, Germany, 2008-2014. International Scientific Advisory Board Member for Max-Planck institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig, since 2009.  International Scientific Advisory Board Member for IBS Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea since 2016.\\
More than 160 publications in international journals. More than 50 invited lectures at internationals meetings in Europe and abroad since 2010. Supervisor for 21 Ph.D. students and 1 disputation (major Ph.D. thesis), 13 post-docs, most of whom now have leading positions at Copenhagen University Hospitals or in industry. One post-doc has pursued an academic carreer and is now in position as teneure-track assistant professor at UCPH.  Supervisor for about 30 medical students, bachelor and master thesis.\\ \\