!!Taco Kuijpers - Curriculum Vitae
*Resident in Paediatrics, 1993-1998\\
*Postdoctoral fellow Haematology Laboratory (University of Washington), Seattle, USA, 1993\\
*MD (cum laude, University of Amsterdam), 1992\\
*PhD (cum laude, University of Amsterdam), 1989 
My research reflects a longstanding collaboration in Amsterdam between the Emma Children’s Hospital at the Amsterdam University Medical Centre (Amsterdam UMC) and the Dept of Blood Cell Research at Sanquin – being both linked to the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Disease manifestations of severe invasive bacterial and fungal infections or hyperinflammation with organ failure form the general focus of my research, encompassing the life cycle of neutrophils, including their development, function and programmed cell death. Investigations in genetically well-characterized patients have helped to increase scientific insight from rare “experiments of nature” or “human knock-out models” to understand disease.\\
*2004 - 2014      Member of the Advisory Committee on Infection and Immunity to Ministry of Health and the National Health Council\\
*2007 - present Chair and co-founder of the International Kawasaki Disease Genetics Consortium             \\
*2009 - present Chair of the Dutch Working Party of Primary Immunodeficiencies (WID)\\
*2012 - present Honorary Research Fellow, University of Cambridge, UK\\
*2012 - 2016 Work package leader EUCLIDS (EU-funded FP7 program)\\
*2013 - 2017 Member of the EU-funded BLUEPRINT consortium on Blood Epigenomes\\
*2013 - 2019 Member Steering Committee BRIDGE Consortium on Primary Immune Disorders, UK\\
*2013 - 2020 Member of the Advisory Board on Scientific Grants of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) \\
*2015 - present  Work package leader PERFORM (EU-funded H2020 program)\\
*2018 - present Principal Investigator of the national research program ‘Target-to-B!’\\
*2020 - present Work package leader DIAMONDS (EU-funded H2020 program)\\
*2020 - present (co) Principal Investigator of the research program ‘COVID19 in immunosuppressed patients and immunological reactivity to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination\\ \\