!!Ilona Kovács
Department of Cognitive Science\\
Budapest University of Technmology and Economics (BME)\\
Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (GTK)\\
Tel: +36-1-463-1072\\
Fax: +36-1-463-1072\\
\\ \\
__Degrees: __
*DSc, Psychology, Hungarian  Academy of Sciences (HAS), 2004 
*Dr. Habil., Psychology, Pécs University, Pécs, Hungary, 2003
*CSc, Psychology, HAS, 1997   
*University diploma in Psychology, ELTE, Budapest, Hungary, 1983 
__Positions: __
*2006-present Professor of Psychology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary         
*2006-2009 Chair, Department of Cognitive Science, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (GTK) BME, Hungary 
*2006-present Director, Graduate School in Psychology, GTK BME, Hungary 
*2006-present Director, HAS-BME Research Group in Cognitive Science, Hungary 
*2003-2006 Associate Professor of Psychology, BME, Hungary 
*2001-2002 Invited Fellow, Collegium Budapest / Institute for Advanced Study, Hungary 
*1997-2003 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ (Rutgers), USA 
*1993-1997 Research Associate, Laboratory of Vision Research (LVR), Rutgers, USA 
*1990-1992 Postdoctoral fellow, LVR, USA
*1983 - 1989 Department of General Psychology, ELTE, Hungary
*2009 Academia Europaea, member
*2006 Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 
*2005 Charles Simonyi Award 
*1991 Fight for Sight Research Division of the National Society to Prevent Blindness Research Award, USA 
*1990 Soros Foundation Research Award 
*1980 National Award for Scholarschip and Sportsmanship, Hungary 
__Current Memberships:__
*2007-present Member, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, Life Sciences Committee 
*2005-present Editorial Board member, Vision Research, Elsevier Journals 
*2003-2007 Member, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, Social Sciences Committee 
__Non-professional interests: __
**Member of the Hungarian National Team 1975-1980 
**Olympic Games, 4th place 1980 
**Member of the Hungarian Go Association 1981-present 
**Salon 2000, The first show of the New Millenium, Limner Gallery, NY, NY, 2000. 
**Tisza 2000, Votisky Gallery, Tiszakürt, Hungary, 2000. 
**winner, Visions of Science, Novartis Hungaria, 2006