!!!Marek Kornat
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2000 - 2009 Research fellow,  IHPAN - Institute of History, Polish Academy of Science, Warszawa
* Since 2010 Professor,  IH PAN
* Since 2011 Head, Dept. of History of Diplomacy and Totalitarian Sysytems, IH PAN  
* Since 2008 Professor, and Head, Dept. of History of Intern. Rel., Faculty of Law and Adm., Cardinal Wyszynski University, Warszawa
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2013 Award of the Foreign Minister of Poland for the monograph on Poland's foreing policy 1938-1939; 
*2008 Henryk Wereszycki and Wacław Felczak Prize of the Historical Faculty of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow
*2005 International „Vysehrad Award”, by Four Academies of Sciences (Polish, Czech, Slovak and Hungarian) 
*2005 Jerzy Giedroyc Award, by the UMCS University, Lublin, for the book (in Polish), "Bolshevism (...), 2003—2004
*2005 Nominated for the Henryk Wereszyck Award, by the Historical Faculty, Jagiellonian Univ., and the Polish Hist. Soc.  
*2003 KLIO Award, by the editors of historical books in Warsaw for the bok (in Polish) "Ribbentrop-Mołotow (...), 2002
*2003 Ministry of Culture Award for the book (in Polish) "Polish Sovietological School", 2003
*Fellowship: European Network "Solidarity and Memory" (member of the Sciientific Council since 2009)

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Kornat_Marek/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Kornat_Marek/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Kornat_Marek/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Kornat_Marek/OtherInformation]

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