!!Maria Magdalena Konarska - Selected Publications
1.      Konarska, M.M., Filipowicz, W., Domdey, H. and Gross, H.J.  Formation of a 2'-phosphomonoester, 3',5'-phosphodiester linkage by a novel RNA ligase in wheat germ. Nature 293, 112-116 (1981).  IF (2014): 41.456; citations: 135\\

2.      Konarska, M.M., Padgett, R.A. and Sharp, P.A.  Recognition of cap structure in splicing in vitro of mRNA precursors. Cell 38, 731-736 (1984). IF (2014): 32.242; citations: 471\\

3.      Konarska, M.M., Grabowski, P.J., Padgett, R.A. and Sharp, P.A.  Characterization of the branch site in lariat RNAs produced by splicing of mRNA precursors. Nature 313, 552-557 (1985).  IF (2014): 41.456; citations: 192\\

4.      Konarska, M.M., Padgett, R.A. and Sharp, P.A.  Trans-splicing of mRNA precursors in vitro.  Cell 42, 165-171 (1985).  IF (2014): 32.242; citations: 144\\

5.      Konarska, M.M. and Sharp, P.A. Interactions between small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles in formation of spliceosomes. Cell 49, 763-774 (1987). IF (2014): 32.242; citations: 444\\

6.      Konforti, B.B., Koziołkiewicz, M.J. and Konarska, M.M. Disruption of base pairing between the 5' splice site and the 5' end of U1 snRNA is required for spliceosome assembly.  Cell 75, 863-873 (1993).  IF (2014): 32.242; citations: 79\\

7.      Siatecka, M., Reyes, J.L. and Konarska, M.M., Functional interactions of Prp8 with both splice sites at the spliceosomal catalytic center.  Genes & Dev. 13,1983-1993 (1999).  IF (2014): 10.798; citations: 84\\

8.      Query, C.C. and Konarska, M.M. Suppression of multiple substrate mutations by spliceosomal prp8 alleles suggests functional correlations with ribosomal ambiguity mutants. Molecular Cell 14, 343-354 (2004).  IF (2014): 14.018; citations: 95\\

9.      Liu, L., Query, C.C. and Konarska, M.M. Opposing classes of prp8 alleles modulate the transition between the catalytic steps of pre-mRNA splicing.  Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 14,  519-26 (2007). IF (2015/16): 13.309; citations: 54\\
10.    Smith, D.J., Konarska, M.M. and Query, C.C.  Insights into branch nucleophile positioning and activation from an orthogonal pre-mRNA splicing system in yeast.  Molecular Cell  34, 333-343 (2009). IF (2014): 14.018; citations: 22\\

11.    Query CC, Konarska MM. Splicing.  CEF1/CDC5 alleles modulate transitions between catalytic conformations of the spliceosome. RNA 18, 1001-1013 (2012). DOI: 10.1261/rna.029421.111. IF (2014): 4.936; citations: 6\\

12.    Query CC, Konarska MM.  Structural biology: Spliceosome’s core exposed. News & Views.  Nature 2013 Jan 31;493(7434):615-6. Epub 2013 Jan 23. PMID: 23354053. IF (2014): 41.456; citations: 3.\\
Konarska has co-authored 59 papers, cited (without self-citations) ~6,000 times (H-index 33;  Web of Science)