!!Dorota Kołodziejczyk - Selected Publications
Cultural Landscapes in Eastern and Central Europe. Focus of European Review, co-edited with Siegfried Huigen, with editors' introduction: "Multimodal Palimpsests: Ideology, (Non-)memory, Affect and the Senses in Cultural Lansdcapes Construction in Eastern and Central Europe." 30.4 (August 2022). \\
"The Landscape of Hate - Olga Tokarczuk in Populist Discourse in Poland." European Review (30.4) 2022. doi:10.1017/S1062798722000126\\
Nieskończona genesis literatury światowej. Pisarze postkolonialni o władzy, języku i wyobraźni. Co-edited with Tomasz Bilczewwski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, seria Hermeneia. Forthcoming 2022. [https://wuj.pl/ksiazka/nieskonczona-genesis-literatury-swiatowej]\\
New Nationalisms. Focus of European Review, co-edited with Siegfried Huigen, with editors’ introduction: “New Nationalisms: Sources, Agendas, Languages. An Introduction.” 29.4 (2021).\\
“Through the Iron Curtain: The Geopolitics of Writing in Eastern Europe.” [[with Mirja Lecke]] In: Andrew Hammond, ed.: The Palgrave Handbook of Cold War Literatures, Palgrave 2020. 509-529.\\
Central Europe and Colonialism. Special Issue of European Review, co-edited with Pieter Emmer and Siegfried Huigen, vol. 26, no. 3 (2018), with editors’ introduction vol. 26. No 3 (2018), 407-409.\\
“Comparative Posts Going Political – the Postcolonial Backlash in Poland." Postcolonial Europe: Comparative Reflections After the Empires.” Red. Julia Suarez-Krabbe, Christian Groes, Zoran Lee Pecic. Rowman and Littlefield International 2018. 177-192.\\
"Cultural Difference in Translation: Translationality of Postcolonial Literature." Przekładaniec. A Journal of Translation Studies, special issue: (Post)Colonial Translation, 2018. \\
„The Organic (Re)turn -Ecology of Place in Postcolonial and Central/Eastern European Novel of Post-Displacement.” 2015. Postcolonial Europe? Essays on Post-Communist Literatures and Cultures, red.Dobrota Pucherova i Robert Gafrik, Leiden, Boston: Brill/Rodopi. 261-280.\\
„The Cosmopolitics of Polish Fiction from the British Isles,” Teksty Drugie 1/2018. 88-112, Open Access.\\
“Where is a Place for Central and Eastern Europe in Postcolonial Studies? Possible Trajectories,” in” Comparisons and Discourses: Essays on Comparative Literature, ed. by Emilia Kledzik, Library of Porównania. A Journal in Comparative Literature and Interdisciplinary Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University, 2017. \\
The Tropics of Resistance: Languages, Genres, Rhetoric, special issue of Miscellanea Posttotalitariana Wratislaviensia, 5.1 2016, co-ed. With Mateusz Świetlicki, with editors’ introduction: “Between “anti” and “post” – on the Recognition of Resistance in Postcolonial Studies,” pp. 7-16.