!!Pauline Kleingeld - Publications
1. Kant and Cosmopolitanism: The Philosophical Ideal of World Citizenship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.\\
Awarded the 2013 biennial North American Kant Society senior scholar Book Prize.\\
2. Fortschritt und Vernunft: Zur Geschichtsphilosophie Kants. [[Progress and Reason: Kant's Philosophy of History]] Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 1995. \\
__Selection from edited volumes:__\\
3. Gottfried Achenwall, Natural Law: A Translation of the Textbook for Kant’s Lectures on Legal and Political Philosophy. Edited by Pauline Kleingeld, translated by Corinna Vermeulen, with an introduction by Paul Guyer. London: Bloomsbury, 2020.\\
__Selected Articles:__\\
4. ‘A Kantian Solution to the Trolley Problem.’ Oxford Studies of Normative Ethics 10 (2020): 204-228.\\
5. ‘How to Use Someone “Merely as a Means’”. Kantian Review, 25 (2020): 389-414.\\
6. ‘Autonomy without Paradox: Kant, Self-Legislation, and the Moral Law’, co-authored with Marcus Willaschek, Philosophers’ Imprint 19/6 (2019): 1-18.\\
7. ‘The Principle of Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy: Its Rise and Fall’. In Kant, Persons, and Agency, ed. Eric Watkins. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, 61-79.\\
8. ‘Contradiction and Kant’s Formula of Universal Law’. Kant-Studien 108 (2017): 89-115.\\
9. ‘Kant’s Second Thoughts on Race’. The Philosophical Quarterly 57 (2007): 573-592.\\
10. ‘Six Varieties of Cosmopolitanism in Late Eighteenth-Century Germany’.  Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (1999): 505-524.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit pkleingeld}][{ALLOW upload pkleingeld}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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