!!Rob Kitchin - Curriculum Vitae

*1992-1995: Department of Geography, University of Wales Swansea, PhD Geography \\
*1991-1992: Department of Geography, University of Leicester, Pg.Dip. and MSc Geographical Information Systems\\
*1988-1991: Department of Geography, University of Lancaster, BSc (Hons) Geography
__Leadership roles in University and nationally\__\
*2002-2013 Director of the National Institute of Regional and Spatial Analysis, National University of Ireland, Maynooth\\
*2011-2013 Director of National Centre for Geocompuation, National University of Ireland, Maynooth\\
*2009-2017 Principal Investigator (PI), Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI, €5.2m, 6 institutions), \\
*2007-2013 Chair and lead PI of the Irish Social Sciences Platform (ISSP, €16.5m, 8 institutions)\\
*2002-2013 PI and board member, the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD, €1.8m, 4 institutions)\\
*2005-2017 PI of the All-Island Research Observatory (AIRO)\\
*2007-2013 co-PI of the Irish Qualitative Data Archive (IQDA)
__Research funding__\\
(Co)written or been a PI on 47 research projects and research infrastructure awards totalling c.€36 million from a range of funders, including the European Research Council (ERC, EU), Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS, Ireland), Royal Irish Academy (RIA, Ireland), Higher Education Authority (HEA, Ireland), Science Foundation Ireland (SFI, Ireland), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC, UK), National Science Foundation (NSF, USA), ESPON (Europe) and the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB, Europe).  \\
Author or editor of 29 books, with 1 more in press. \\
Editor-in-chief of the International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (12 volumes). \\
Author 97 refereed journal publications, 39 editorials and non-refereed pieces in journals, 75 book chapters, and 17 policy reports.\\
__Presentations and organising events__\\
230 invited talks in 25 countries to over 30 disciplines. Plus 102 conference papers and 51 panel sessions. Co-organised 38 conferences and workshops and 25 sets of sessions at conferences.\\
__Media Coverage__\\
My research has been cited extensively in local, national and international media: television, 21 appearances; radio, 103 interviews; 620 newspapers stories\\ \\