!!Philip Kitchen - Biography
Philip J. Kitchen, PhD - Professor of Marketing, ICN-Artem School of Business, Nancy, France. Emeritus Professor  University of Salford, UK and Brock University, Canada.  Editor - Journal of Marketing Communications and Founder of the International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications (held annually since 1996).  Has served as guest editor for the European Journal of Marketing formerly.  Published over 200 papers in journals including Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising Research, International Journal of Advertising, International Journal of Human Resource Management among others, together with 20 published books on marketing communications, corporate communications, marketing management and marketing theory.  Listed as one of the 'The Top 50 Gurus who …influenced the Future of Marketing', Marketing Business, December 2003, 12-16. Listed as 6th in terms of ‘Top Scholarly Output’ in UK and all of Europe (2017 - 2020), Scival Elsevier, 2020. Fellow of CIM, RSA, HEA, IOD; and Member of the ALCS and Institute of Marketing Science (USA). He was keynote speaker at the Italian Institute of Management Conference in Rome, July 2019, the University of Salford, UK, also in 2019; and at Cranfield University in 2020, and at the Circle Conference, Bosnia and Herzgovina and UK, April 2021.\\
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