!!Catherine Kissel - Curriculum Vitae
*1986 PhD "Paleomagnetism applied to Geodynamical studies in the Mediterranean"\\
*1984 Master Degree in Earth Sciences\\
*1977 - 1982 Studies in Earth Sciences at the University Paris-Sud\\
*1976 Baccalauréat (Scientific)
__Experiences and responsabilities:__
*Member of the American Geophysical Society\\
*Member of the European Geosciences Union\\
*2011 - 2019: Coordinator of the French-Chinese International Associated Laboratory MONOCL (Monsoon and Oceanic Circulation)\\
*2011: Member of Scientific Advisory Board du « Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA)/CSIC, Barcelone.\\
*2006 - 2009 : Associate Editor, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (American Geophysical Union) (impact factor 4.1)\\
*2004 - 2007:  Vice-chair of the SCOR-IMAGES WG on Past Oceanic Circulation (PACE) \\
*2003 - 2008 : Scientific expert in the Excom IMAGES international\\
Member of various PhD theses committees\\
Supervisor of 9 PhD theses\\
Involved in several EU projects\\
Chief scientist of 4 international oceanographic cruises on board R. V. Marion Dufresne: 2007 (PACHIDERME); 2008 (AMOCINT), 2010 (MONOCIR), 2012 (CIRCEA).-\\
Participation to 5 international oceanographic cruises within the frame of the international IMAGES program on board R. V. Marion Dufresne in 1999 (GINNA); 2002 (PAGES); 2003 (P.I.C.A.S.S.O) ; 2005 and 2006 (Marco Polo 1 and 2).\\
Many field experiences in sampling in volcanic regions for the study of the Earth magnetic field and in recent and active orogens for geodynamical studies\\ \\