!!Tom Kibble

In addition to my professional work I have had a long-standing interest in the interactions of science and society, a concern first sparked by worries about the implications of nuclear weapons, but extending far beyond that subject.  This is why I am, as I have been for many years, a Sponsor of Scientists for Global Responsibility.

I have long been a keen cyclist and walker.  For many years I commuted regularly to Imperial College by bicycle (around 10 km), though now, when I no longer need to commute so regularly, I do a lot more walking than cycling, including leading walks for the local Ramblers group.

I enjoy gardening.  My late wife, who died in 1005, was a very keen gardener and I was her assistant, describing myself as a 'destructive gardener' because my principal jobs were to cut things back or dig them out, as well as cutting the grass.  Since her death I have tried to become more constructive, with limited success.  I also enjoy being a grandfather.  The photo was taken on a family holiday in Normandy in 2009.

''Tom Kibble''
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