!!John Katsikadelis - Curriculum Vitae
[Full-length CV and full publication list|http://users.ntua.gr/jkats].\\
__Current Position:__\\
Graduate Professor of Structural Analysis, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece\\
*Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics, Polytechnic University of New York, Brooklyn, N.Y.\\
*Dr. Eng. (Doctor of Engineering), National Technical University of Athens.\\
*MSc in Applied Mechanics,  Polytechnic University of New York, Brooklyn, N.Y.\\
*Diploma in Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens\\
*Mathematical studies, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens\\
__Areas of specialization:__ \\
*Computational Mechanics, especially in the area of Boundary Element and Meshless Methods applied to linear and nonlinear analysis of structures (beams, plates, shells, membranes, cables) under static and dynamic loads.\\
*Plates reinforced with beams\\
*Shape optimization of structures\\
*Stability of structures (beams, plates and shells)\\
*Response of structures to nonconservative loads
*Linear and nonlinear flutter instability\\
*Inverse problems\\
*Numerical solution of fractional differential equations and study of the response of structures under fractional type inertia and damping forces\\
*Linear and nonlinear analysis of viscoelastic beams, membranes and plates modeled with multi-term fractional derivative models.\\
*Composite structures\\
*Thickness optimization of elastic and viscoelastic plates and beams\\
__Academic history and positions held:__ \\
*Assistant, Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor of Structural Analysis (1970-2004), *Professor Emeritus (2004-present), School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)\\
*Professor of Structural Analysis, School of Corps of Engineers of the Hellenic Army (1975-2009).\\
*Secretary of the Office of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Academy of Athens (2005-present).\\
*Director of the Institute of Structural Analysis and Aseismic Research (1984-2004), NTUA.\\
*Head of the Structural Division of School of Civil Engineering, NTUA, for 4 years (1988-90 & and 1993-95).\\
*Director of the Earthquake Planning and Protection Organisation (EPPO) of Greece (1989-1992).\\
*Director of European Center on Prevention and Forecasting of Earthquake of the Council of Europe (ECPFE) (1989-1992)\\
*Permanent Correspondent of Greece in the Open Partial Agreement (OPA) of the Council of Europe for the Protection against and Relief of Major Natural and Technological Disasters (1989-1992).\\
*Representative of Greece in the Permanent Network of National Correspondents for Civil Protection of EU (1989-1992).\\
*President of the Hellenic Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (HSTAM), 2007-2010.\\
*President of the Greek Association for Computational Mechanics (GRACM), affiliated to IACM, 1997-2000 (twice elected).\\
*Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts\\
*Member of the European Academy of Sciences (EAS)\\
*Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Engineering,Meждународня Инженерная Академия, москва\\
*Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Nis, Serbia\\
*Honorary member of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics\\
*Honorary member of the Serbian Society of Mechanics\\
*General Secretary of the Office of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Academy of Athens\\
*Recent Developments in Boundary Element Methods: A Volume to Honour John T. Katsikadelis. WitPress, 2100, U.K. Special talk in: [http://www.wessex.ac.uk/general-news/eulogy-to-john-katsikadelis.html]\\
*Member of the Executive Council of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM)\\
*Member of the General Assembly of IUTAM\\
*Fellow of the Wessex Institute, UK \\
*Three Award plaques Honoris Causa by the General Staff of the Greek Army for his contribution as a professor to the School of the Corps of Engineers, 1986, 2009\\
__Membership in societies:__
*Member of the Hellenic Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (HSTAM), affiliated to IUTAM, Treasurer (1986-2000), Vice President (2000-2006) and President 2007-2010t\\
*Member of the Greek Association for Computational Mechanics (GRACM), affiliated to IACM. President 1997-2000. Founding member and member of the Administrative Council until present\\
*Fellow of the Wessex Institute, UK\\
*Honorary Member of the Serbian Society of Mechanics 2007\\
*Member of the General Council of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) 2003-present\\
*Founding Member of the of the International Society for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ISCES)\\
*Member of the Administrative Council of International Society of Boundary Elements (ISBE)\\
*Member of the New York Academy of Sciences\\
*Member of the Greek Society for Earthquake Engineering\\
*Founding Member of the Hellenic Society for Steel Structures Research\\
*Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece\\
*Member of the Greek Society of Civil Engineers\\
*Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)\\
*Member of Alumni Association of the Poly (Polytechnic University of New York)\\
*Member of the Scientific Research Society Sigma Xi\\
__Publication record:__
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His publication record includes 18 books, 5 guest edited journal special issues (3 in Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements and 2 in Archive of Applied Mechanics), 8 invited chapters and original papers in books, Editor of 9 Conference Proceedings, 2 Doctoral Dissertations and 236 original papers in the most reputed international journals and international conference proceedings. His text book on the BEM (Elsevier 2002) has been translated into Japanese (Asakura, Tokyo 2004), Russian (Publishing House of Russian Civil Engineering Universities, Moscow 2007) and Serbian (Gradjevinska Knjiga, Belgrade 2010,). His published work has received about 1450 citations with an h-index=20 (Harzing’s Publish or Perish). About 200 of his 236 papers are devoted to the development and application of the BEM and in general of integral equation methods and to other mesh reduction methods as well.\\
__Teaching experience:__
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He has taught over 14 different courses in Structural Analysis and Applied Mechanics at the undergraduate and graduate level. He introduced, developed and updated many of the courses at the School of Civil engineering of NTUA. He introduced the boundary elements as formal course at the same school. He has also taught Strutural Analysis  at the School of the Officers  of the Corps of Engineers of the Greek  Army for 33 years.\\
__Reviewer and Member of Editorial Boards:__
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Reviewer of many International Journals and member of the editorial board of 7 journals (among them Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements).\\
__Conferences and Symposia:__
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He has participated in many national and international scientific conferences and symposia, where he has presented over 142 papers. He has organized conferences and Symposia. He has acted as a chairman or a co-chairman and a member of organising and scientific advisory committees of many international conferences and Symposia, he has chaired sessions and he has presented invited papers and keynote plenary lectures.\\
__Professional activities:__
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Licensed civil engineer. Experience in the design and construction of concrete and steel structures.