!!Vadim Kaloshin - Biography
Vadim Kaloshin received his PhD at Princeton University in 2001 and, only two years later, was hired by CalTech on an associate professor position. After one year at Penn State in 2006, he was offered the endowed Brin Chair at the University of Maryland. Last year, he moved to Europe to take up a chair at IST Austria.\\
His research has been recognised by numerous awards (see Section 1.14) and was presented at dozens of international conferences. Besides his impressive academic credentials, Kaloshin is also an active member of the community, having organised or co-organised numerous workshops, minisymposia, and research programmes and having lectured himself at close to 20 summer schools. He is also actively involved in outreach programmes for high school students.\\
Kaloshin has held visiting positions at many international institutions such as IMPA (Rio de Janeiro), Collège de France (Paris), University Autonoma de Madrid, IHP (Paris), Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (Barcelona), and ETH-ITS (Zurich).\\
He has published over 60 research articles.\\ \\