!!Mare Kõiva - Selected Publications
__Citations:__ 172\\
__h-index:__ 7\\
__i10-index:__ 4\\
(Google Scholar, 20.03.2021)\\
1. Kõiva, Mare, Tõnno Jonuks, Mare Kalda, Andres Kuperjanov, and Reet Hiiemäe (2020) "Marking of sacred places". Trames 4, 2, 129–144. DOI: [https/doi.org/10.3176/tr.2020.2.01]\\
2. Kõiva, Mare and Kristina Muhu (2020) "Changes in Estonian school calendar holidays in 1992–2018." Yearbook of Balkan and Baltic Studies, 3, 183−212. DOI: 10.7592/YBBS3.09\\
3. Kõiva, Mare (2019) Eesti loitsud I: Arstimissõnad. [[Estonian incantations I: healing words.]] Monumenta Estoniae Antiquae VI. Tartu: ELM Scholarly Press.\\
4. Kõiva, Mare (2019) "Некоторые особенности поэтики и сюжетики эстонских легендарных сказок". In A. Lokotka, ed. Нaроднaя кaзкaвaя прозa ў eўропeйскaй прaсторa, 102−113. Minsk: Akademia navuk.\\
5. Kõiva, Mare (2019) "The doctor sent me to a folk healer". In Indrek Peedu, ed. Estonian study of religion: a reader, 373−388. Tartu: Tartu University Press.\\
6. Kõiva, Mare (2019) "The wolf: human/non-human relations on the basis of etiologies and verbal communication". Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore 77, 181−199. DOI: 10.7592/FEJF2019.77.koiva. \\
7. Kõiva, Mare (2018) "Inventing Sacred places II: wooden sculptures and placemaking of contemporary landscape". Yearbook of Balkan and Baltic Studies 1, 1 , 61−76. DOI: 10.7592/YBBS1.05\\
8. Kõiva, Mare (2017) "Constructing contemporary periodical and occasional rituals". Mare Kõiva and Ekaterina Anastasova, eds. Balkan and Balticum. Current Studies in the Postsocialist Space, 199–220. (Sator, 18.) Tartu: ELM Scholarly Press.\\
9. Kõiva, Mare (2014) Time, space, and eternity. Through the Ages II. (Sator, 13.) Tartu: ELM Scholarly Press. \\
10. Kõiva, Mare (2014) Folklore as a common expression of lingual, figurative, emotional and mental memory. Through the Ages I. (Sator, 5.) Tartu: ELM Scholarly Press.