!!Pavel Jungwirth - Curriculum Vitae
__ResearcherID:__ D-9290-2011\\
__Academic Training:__
*M.Sc. in Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep. 1989 \\
*PhD. in Computational Chemistry at J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Acad. Sci. of the Czech Rep. and Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep., 1993 (advisor Prof. R. ZahradnĂ­k)
__Present Position:__
*Senior Team Leader at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Acad. Sci. of the Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Republic (2003 - ). Distinguished Chair from 2016\\
*Professor (External Faculty) at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Associate Professor 2000 - 2011, Full Professor 2011 - ) \\
__Service to the Scientific Community:__
*Senior Editor of Journal of Physical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society (2009 - )\\
*Member of Editorial Board of Chemical Physics Letters (2007 - 2018)\\
*Member of Editorial Board of Accounts of Chemical Research (2015 - )\\
*Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles Univ. (2013 -)\\
*Member of the Executive Board of the Learned Society of the Czech Rep. (2010-2014)\\
*Member of the Evaluation Panel for the Czech Science Foundation (2009-2011)\\
*Reviewer for NSF, DOE, ERC, and other granting agencies and numerous scientific journals (JPC, PCP, CPL, PCCP, JACS, Nature, Science, etc.)\\
*Popularizer of science - regular articles in Czech newspapers and magazines on science and society. Numerous radio and TV shows on popular science \\
*Organization of scientific meetings (most important recent ones):\\
**Faraday Discussion, Oxford (2012), Telluride Summer Research Conference (2011), Hofmeister Symposium Prague (2010), Gordon Research Conference, Holderness NH (2010)
__Publications and presentations:__ \\
More than 300 research and review papers in international journals (including Science, Nature Chemistry, JACS, PRL, JPCL, etc.) with more than 14 000 citations (excluding self-citations), H-index 65. Several book chapters. Over 100 invited lectures at international conferences (including GRC) and numerous departmental seminars at universities and research laboratories in Europe, USA, Japan, China, and Israel.\\
Advised over 20 PhD. students, more than a dozen MSc. students, and over 15 postdocs.\\ \\