!!Pedro Jordano - Curriculum Vitae
__Main research lines__ \\
Pedro Jordano's research focuses on the study of Biodiversity from both ecological and evolutionary perspectives. He is interested in how ecological interactions shape complex ecological systems. Such interactions, e.g., plants and their mutualistic seed dispersers and pollinators, are the wireframe of biodiversity, yet we are far from understanding how they evolve and coevolve. Over the years Prof. Jordano’s research lines have unfolded to cover many aspects, including botany, zoology, population genetics, statistics, and theoretical models.\\
__Track record__\\
He is author of more than 220 scientific papers and three books, with >28000 citations (h= 80). Supervised 23 Post-doctoral fellowships, 16 PhD theses (plus 3 ongoing), and 11 Master theses. \\
Since 2015, included in the list "Most cited Scientists- Ecology and Environment" (Essential Science Indicators, ISI), and has 12 papers included as "Highly cited publications". \\
He teaches within the PhD and graduate programs at Univ. Pablo de Olavide (director of the Master Course “Biodiversidad y Biología de la Conservación”) and Univ. Sevilla, Spain, teaching courses on evolution, plant-animal interactions and conservation genetics. Since 2019 he was appointed as Associate Professor at Univ. Sevilla, where he has been Honorary Professor since 2009. He is a co-organizer of the field course “Curso Ibero-Americano de Frugivoria e Dispersão de Sementes” that takes place each year in Brazil, with the collaboration of UNESP (Rio Claro), UNICAMP (Campinas) and CYTED-UNESCO. External professor within the Ciência sem Fronteiras Program (Brazil) for the Programa Pós-graduação em Biodiversidade e Ecologia, UNESP (Brazil).\\
__Main academic appointments__
*2012 - 2016 Chair, Starting Grants panel LS8 at the European Research Council (Brussels) (vice-chair 2008-2011)\\
*2008 - 2013 Chair, Spanish panel for the National Research Plan, program of Biodiversity, Ecology and Global Change, Spain\\
*2018 - present President and Chair of the Environmental Sciences and Technologies program, National Research Agency (AEI), Ministry of Science, and Innovation, Spain\\ \\