!!Publication list

*H.F. Jolowicz's Lectures on Jurisprudence, 1963 
*Winfield and Jolowicz on Tort (various editions) 
*Clerk & Lindsell on Torts (part), various editions
*The Division and Classification of the Law, (1970) 
*Public Interest Parties and the Active Role of the Judge (with M. Cappelletti) 1975
*Le contrôle juridictionnel des lois, Economica, 1986. Joint editor with L. Favoreu and author of introductory material; 
*Droit Anglais, Dalloz, 1986. Managing Editor and joint author: (2nd ed., 1992)
*Derecho Inglés, 1992 (Spanish translation of 1st edition of above) 
*International Enforcement of Human Rights, Springer-Verlag, 1987. Joint Editor with R. Bernhardt. 
*Recourse against Judgments in the European Union, Joint Editor with Remco van Rhee, Kluwer: 1999 
*On Civil Procedure, Cambridge University Press: 2000
*Translation of the above into Chinese by Dr Zeyong Wu (2008)
!Selected Articles
*The Right to Indemnity between Master and Servant C.L.J 
*Liability for Independent Contractors, Stanford Law Review (1957) 
*Damages and Income Tax, C.L.J.
*Liability for Accidents, C.L.J.
*The changing Use of ‘Special Damage’ and its effect on the law C.L.J. 
*Vistazo al Common Law, 1967, Boletín del Instituto de Derecho Comparado de México 
*El hecho y el derecho en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo, Cuadernos de derecho anglo- Americano 1962
*Protection of the Consumer and Purchaser of Goods under English Law, (1969) 32 M.L.R.
*Chapter 13, Procedural Questions, in Vol. XI, International Encyclopaedia of Comparative Law, 1969 
*The Law of Tort and Non-Physical Loss, (1972), Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law
*Fundamental Guarantees in Civil Litigation: England, in Fundamental Guarantees of the Parties in Civil Litigation, 1973 
*La responsabilité civile du fabricant dans le droit anglais, in La responsabilité du fabricant dans les Etats Membres du Marché commun, 1973 
*The Documentary Proof of Fact in English Civil Procedure, in Libro-Homenaje a Luis Loreto, 1975 
*Damages in Equity - a Study of Lord Cairns' Act, C.L.J. 
*L'expert, le témoin et le juge dans le procés civil en droits français et anglais, 1977 Revue internationale de droit comparé
*The Case for Applied Comparative Law, in New Perspectives for a common law of Europe, 1978 
*Appellate Proceedings, in Towards a Justice with a Human Face, 1978 
*El procedimiento civil en el common law. Aspectos de su evolucion historica en Inglaterra y en los Estados Unidos durante el siglo XX, in III LXXV años de evolución jurídica en el mundo, 1978 
*Some twentieth Century Developments in Anglo-American Civil Procedure, in Studi in Onore di Enrico Tullio Liebman, 1979 (English version of previous item.) 
*Les décisions de la Chambre des Lords, 1979 Revue internationale de droit comparé 
*Judicial Protection of Fundamental Rights in The Cambridge Tilburg Lectures Second Series 1979 
*The Pearson Report: a Personal Comment in The Cambridge Lectures 1979 (Canadian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies) 
*Da mihi factum dabo tibi jus: a problem in demarcation in English and French law, in Mulltum non Multa; Festschrift für Kurt Lipstein, 1980
*The Parties and the Judge in Civil Litigation, in The Cambridge Lectures 1981 (Canadian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies) 
*Reflexiones sobre el estudio comparado del derecho procesal, 1982 Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado 
*General Ideas and the Reform of Civil Procedure, (1983) 3 Legal Studies
*The Dilemmas of Civil Litigation, (1983) 18 Israel Law Review
*Protection of Diffuse, Fragmented and Collective Interests in Civil Litigation, Cambridge Law Journal 
*Adversarial and Inquisitorial Approaches to Civil Litigation in The Cambridge Lectures 1983 (Canadian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies) 
*Impugnazione: Diritto Comparato e Straniero in Enciclopedia Giuridica Treccani 
*La jurisprudence en droit anglais in Archives de la philosophie du droit, Vol. 30, 1985 
*Appeal and Review in Comparative Law: Similarities, Differences and Purposes, Melbourne University Law Review, Vol. 15, 1986 
*Grounds of Justification English Law, in In memoriam Jean Limpens, 1987
*Comparative Law and the Reform of Civil Procedure, 8 Legal Studies (1988) 
*The use by the judge of his own knowledge (of fact or law or both) in the formation of his decision in United Kingdom Law in the 1980s (1988) 
*Appeal, Cassation, Amparo and all that: What and Why in Estudios en homenaje al Dr. Hector Fix Zamudio, (1988)
*Managing overload in Appellate Courts, in Justice and Efficiency, (1988) 
*The use by the judge of his own knowledge (of factor law or both) in the formation of his decision, in (Ed. Banakas) United Kingdom Law in the 1980s 1980
*La vérité et la justice, XXXVIII Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant, (1989) 
*L'immunitá del giudice nel diritto inglese in Giurisdizione e reponsibilitá nel paesi della CEE e neglie Stati Uniti d'America (1989) 
*Abuse of the Process of the Court: Handle with care, 1990 Current Legal Problems 
*Civil and Administrative Procedure in United Kingdom Law in the 1990s (1990) 
*On the Nature and Purposes of Procedural Law in International Perspectives of Civil Justice (1990) 
*Product Liability in the EEC in Comparative and Private International Law; (1990) 
*Indirect Loss (Loss by Ricochet) in Développements récents du droit de la responsabilité civile (1991) 
*Touchstones of Tort Liability Revisited, 6/7 Tulane Civil Law Forum (1991-1992) 
*Les appels civils en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles, 1992 Revue internationale de droit comparé 
*La réforme de la procédure civile anglaise: une dérogation au système adversatif, in Legrand, (ed.) Common Law, d'un siècle l'autre, 1993 
*Factfinding: a comparative perspective, in Carey Miller and Beaumont (eds), The Option of Litigating in Europe, UKNCCL1993.) 
*Naturaleza y caracter del proceso civil; la experiencia inglesa, 1993, Revista de Investigaciones Jurídicas 
*The Parties, the Judge and the Facts of the case in II, Studi in Onore di Vittorio Denti, 1994 
*Too Many Precedents? in I Scintillae Iuris, Studi in Memoria di Gino Gorla 1994 
*L'Amministrazione della giustizia civile: Inghilterra e Galles in Fazzalari, ed.. La Giustizia Civile nei Paesi Comunitari 1994 
*Judicial Review and the Internationalisation of National Law: The Experience of England and France in Problemas Actuales del Derecho Constitucional: Estudios en Homenaje a Jorge Carpizo 1994 
*La production force des pieces: Droits français et anglais, in Thery; Nouveaux Juges, Nouveaux Pouvoirs?: Mélanges en l'honneur de Roger Perrot. 1996 
*The Woolf Report and the Adversary System, (1996) 15 Civil Justice Quarterly 183 
*The Role of the Supreme Court at the National and International Level, a General Report, in Yessiou-Faltsi (ed) The Role of the Supreme Courts at the National and International Level (1997) 
*Civil Justice in the Countries of the European Union: England and Wales, in Fazzalari and Fortin (eds) Civil Justice in the Countries of the European Union 1998 
*Lo Studio del Diritto Processuale civile in Inghilterra: Perche cosí scarno e cosí in ritardo? in Cinquanta Anni di Studi sul Processo Civile, Firenze, 27 Settembre 1997, Giuffré 1998 
*Practice Directions and the Civil Procedure Rules, in Cambridge Law Journal, 2000 
*From English to European Civil Procedure?, in Hondius, Jongbloed and Verschuur (eds.), Liber Amicorum Paul Meiknecht, 2000 
*The Exercise of Control by Civil Courts, in Andenas (ed.) Liber Amicorum for Gordon Slynn 
*On the Comparison of Procedures, in Nafziger and Symeonides (eds) Law and Justice in a Multistate World, Essays in Honor of Arthur T. von Mehren, 2002 
*Adversarial and Inquisitorial Models of Civil Procedure (2003) 52 I.C.L.Q 
*Administrative Procedure in English Law in Alfredo Arismendi A. and Jesús Caballero Ortiz (coordinadores) El Derecho Público a Comienzos del Siglo XXI: Estudios en Homenaje al Profesor Allan Brewer Carías, Vol. II, pp. 2423-2437. Civitas Ediciones S.L., Madrid (2003)
*“Civil Procedure in the Common and Civil Law” in Guenter Doeker-Mach and Klaus A. Ziegert (eds) Law, Legal Culture and Politics Twenty First Century (Essays in Honour of Alice Erh-Soon Tay) (2004, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, ISBN 3-515-08317-0) 55-78. Same in Guenter Doeker-Mach and Klaus A. Ziegert (eds) Law and Legal Culture in Comparative Perspective (2004, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, ISBN 3-515-08560-2 Publications 
*Judicial Reorganisation in England and Wales: Constitutional Change in Prospect: 8 Anuario Iberoamericano de Justicia Constitutucional (2004 
*Judicial Re-organisation in England and Wales (II): Constitutional Change Enacted 10 big (2006) 
*“Substantive and Procedural Justice in Civil Litigation: A Measure of the Role of Civil Litigation” in De toes Horizons; Mélanges Xavier Blanc-Jouvan, (2005, Société de Législation Comparée, Paris)
*ADR and the Role of Civil Litigation in Mayer, Cadiet and Callé (eds) In Mélanges dédiés a la mémoire du Doyen Jacques Héron (2008)
*Civil Litigation: What’s it for? C.L.J. 
*El Control judicial de las leyes en el Reino Unido in Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor et al (coordinadores) Estudios en homenaje a Héctor Fix-Zamudio en sus cincuenta años como investigador del derecho