!!Uwe Janssen - Curriculum vitae

__Study:__ 1972-1980 at Universtät Hamburg (Mathematics and Physics)\\
__Degrees:__ Diploma 1978, PhD 1980, Habilitation 1988
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*1980,08-1989,09, Assistant and Senior Assistant, Universität Regensburg
*1989,10-1091,01, Research Professor, Max-Planck Institut für Mathematik, Bonn
*1990,02-1999,04, Full Professor, Universität zu Köln
*1999,05-present, Full Professor, Universität Regensburg longer stays on leave during this time:
*1983,09-1984,08, Visiting Fellow, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
*1987,01-1987,04, Guest Researcher, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, USA
*1987,10-1988/03, Guest Researcher, Max-Planck Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany
*1995,02-1995,08, Guest Researcher, Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan
*1998,10-1999,04, Guest Researcher, Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan
*2003,10-2004,04, Guest Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan
__Other activities:__
*Head of the department at Cologne (1994-1996) and Regensburg (2000-2002),
*Member of the Senate of the University of Regensburg 10/2004-09/2007,
*Head of the Senate of the University of Regensburg since 10/2009
*Editorial board of Mathematische Nachrichten 1993-2007, Advisory board since 2007
*Editorial board of Mathematische Zeitschrift 2000-2007
*Invited Speaker on the ICM 1994 at Zürich
*Member of the Scientific Committee of the Max-Planck Institut für Mathematik (Bonn), 1994
*Member of the Scientific Committee of the Institut de Henri Poincaré (Paris), 1996-2000
*Member of the Scientific Panel 3 for the ICM 1998 at Berlin
*Organization and Co-organization of numerous international Research Conferences and Conference Series, e.g.:
**Co-organizer of an IMPA series of conferences for supporting mathematical research in developing countries (1992-1993), held in Isfahan, Iran, Cairo, Egypt, Tianjin, China, Trieste, Italy and Bonn, Germany
**Co-organizer of two Euresco conferences on Arithmetic Geometry, held in Obernai (2000) and Acquafredda (2001)
**Co-organizer of the Algebraic K-Theory conference series at Oberwolfach (held every 2nd or 3rd year) since 2002
**Co-organizer of two International Research Conferences and one Instructional Conference from 2009 - 2011
**Member of various Referee and Evaluation panels of the German Research Council (DFG) for Research Groups (Forschergruppen) or Collaborative Research Centers) (Sonderforschungsbereiche)
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1) Together with V. Cossart and S. Saito: After proving the most general
and functorial version of resolution of singularities for two-dimensional
schemes, it is planned to investigate the three-dimensional case. At the
same time, following ideas of Saito and Kerz, it is planned to investigate
possible counterexamples, so-called Medusa singularities.\\
2) Together with J.-M. Fontaine a new p-torsion cohomology theory in characteristic p is developed.
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Plenary speaker on 14 international conferences since 2006
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