!!Vincent Jaddoe - Biography
Prof Jaddoe’s research aim is to explore how genetic and epigenetic variants and environmental exposures lead to fetal and childhood developmental adaptations, and subsequent risk for common diseases across the full life course. He is Principal Investigator of Generation R Research Core Facility at Erasmus MC, which includes the Generation R Study, a population-based prospective cohort study among 10,000 pregnant women and their children, and the Generation R Next a population-based observation and intervention study form preconception onwards among 5,000 parents and their children. In total, more than 20 departments with more than 150 PhD students collaborate in this research program. This research program combines advanced epidemiological methods with deep-phenotyping using innovative imaging, genomic and other -omic approaches. He leads the General Pediatric Unit within the Sophia Children’s Hospital. His research is conducted in close collaboration with several national and international research groups. He is Principal Investigator /Project coordinator of the Horizon2020 EU LifeCycle - Project (www.lifecycle-project.eu), in which data from pregnancy and child cohort studies are brought together into the open EU Child Cohort Network, which combines data from more than 350,000 parent and children. He is Work Package leader in five EU Framework-7/ Horizon2020 funded research programmes. He is also Principal Investigator of the Academic Rotterdam Center for Pregnancy & Childhood, which brings together researchers, health care professionals and policy makers in Rotterdam for translation of research findings. Dr Jaddoe received various national and European prestigious personal grants (ZonMw Klinische Fellowships, NWO-VENI, NWO- VIDI, ERC Consolidator Grant). He has been appointed as lifelong member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW) since 2020. His research had major impact on novel strategies in preconception and pregnancy care in the Netherlands.\\ \\