!!Thomas Jacobsen - Curriculum Vitae

*1989 - 1994  Studies of Psychology (Diplomstudiengang) at the Freie Universität Berlin; Studies of Philosophy\\
*1994 - 1995  Visiting scholar in Cognitive Neuroscience at the Center for Research in Language, University of California at San Diego (DAAD scholarship)\\
*1995 - 1998  Doctoral Student at the Max Planck Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig (MPG scholarship)\\
*2000  Defense of the dissertation and rigorosum (science-based Ph. D.)\\
*1998 - 2001  Researcher / lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Institut für Allgemeine Psychologie of the Universität Leipzig, Professur Biologische Psychologie\\
*2001 - 2001  Assistant Professor of Psychology (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent) at the Institut für Allgemeine Psychologie of the Universität, Biological Psychology\\
*2001 - 2004  Assistant Professor of Psychology (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent) at the Institut für Allgemeine Psychologie of the Universität Leipzig, BioCog – Cognitive & Biological Psychology\\
*2004  Habilitation (facultas docendi and venia legendi for Psychology)\\
*2004 - 2009  Associate Professor of Psychology (Oberassistent) at the Institute of Psychology I of the University of Leipzig, BioCog - Cognitive & Biological Psychology\\
*2007 - 2008  Professor of Psychology (interim, Gastprofessur) at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Vienna, Biological Psychology\\
*2008  Gastprofessor at the Cluster Languages of Emotion at the Freie Universität Berlin\\
*2009  Adjunct Professor of the University of Leipzig\\
*Since Sept. 2009  Professor of Psychology, Experimental Psychology Unit (Allgemeine Psychologie) at the Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg\\ \\