!!Karl-Heinz Jöckel - Curriculum Vitae
*1972 - 1977    Study of Mathematics and Economics at Münster University \\Major: Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory. Minor: Operations Research\\
*1974     Vordiplom in Math. (comparable to B.A.)\\
*1975     Vordiplom in Economics (comparable B.A.)\\
*1977     Diploma in Math. (comparable to M.A.)\\
*1982     Doctorate in Statistics (Dr. rer.nat.) at the Department of Statistics, Dortmund University\\
*1989     Habilitation in Applied Statistics, Dortmund University
__Professional Experience__
*1977 - 1983    Research Assistant at the Department of Statistics, Dortmund University\\
*1979 - 1983    Managing Director of the Statistical Consulting Centre at the Department of Statistics\\
*1983 - 1994    Head, Division of Biometry and Data Processing and Deputy Managing Director of the Bremen Institute for Prevention Research and Social Medicine\\
*1994 - 2019    Director of the Institute for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, University Clinics of Essen, D-45122 Essen Germany\\
*2001 – 2002    Vice Rector and Rector of the University of Essen\\
*2004 – 2008 Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen\\ \\