!!Fatih Ömer Ilday  - Selected Publications
1. G. Makey, S. Galioglu, R. Ghaffari, E. D. Engin, G. Yıldırım, Ö. Yavuz, O. Bektaş, Ü. S. Nizam, Ö. Akbulut, Ö. Şahin, K. Güngör, D. Dede, H. V. Demir, F. Ö. Ilday, S. Ilday “Universality of dissipative self-assembly from quantum dots to human cells,” Nature Phys. 16, 795 (2020).\\
2. G. Makey, Ö. Yavuz, D. K. Kesim, A. Turnalı, P. Elahi, S. Ilday, O. Tokel, F. Ö. Ilday, “Breaking crosstalk limits to dynamic holography using orthogonality of high-dimensional random vectors,” Nature Photon. 13, 251 (2019).\\
3. F. Kalantarifard, P. Elahi, G. Makey, O. M. Marago, F. Ömer Ilday, G. Volpe, “Intracavity optical trapping of microscopic particles in a ring-cavity fiber laser,” Nature Commun. 10, 2683 (2019).\\
4. (invited) H. Kalaycioglu, P. Elahi, F. Ö. Ilday, Ö. Akcaalan, “High-repetition-rate ultrafast fiber lasers for material processing,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 24, 8800312 (2018).\\
5. O. Tokel, A. Turnalı, G. Makey, P. Elahi, T. Çolakoğlu, E. Ergeçen, Ö. Yavuz, R. Hübner, M. Zolfaghari Borra, I. Pavlov, A. Bek, R. Turan, D. K. Kesim, S. Tozburun, S. Ilday, F. Ö. Ilday, “In-chip microstructures and photonic devices fabricated by nonlinear laser lithography deep inside silicon,” Nature Photon. 11, 639–645(2017).\\
6. S. Ilday, G. Makey, G. B. Akgüç, Ö. Yavuz, O. Tokel, I. Pavlov, O. Gülseren, F. Ö. Ilday, “Rich complex behavior of self-assembled nanoparticles far from equilibrium,” Nature Commun. 8, 14942 (2017). \\
7. C. Kerse, H. Kalaycıoğlu, P. Elahi, B. Çetin, D. K. Kesim, Ö. Akçaalan, S. Yavaş, M. D. Aşık, B. Öktem, H. Hoogland, R. Holzwarth, and, F. Ö. Ilday, “Ablation-cooled material removal with ultrafast bursts of pulses,” Nature 537, 84–88 (2016).\\
8. B. Öktem, I. Pavlov, S. Ilday, H. Kalaycıoglu, A. Rybak, S. Yavas, M. Erdogan and F. Ö. Ilday, “Nonlinear laser lithography for indefinitely large-area nanostructuring with femtosecond pulses,” Nature Photon. 7, 897–901 (2013). \\
9. B. Oktem, C. Ülgüdür and F. Ö. Ilday, “Soliton-similariton fibre laser,” Nature Photon. 4, 307 (2010).\\
10. F. Ö. Ilday, J. Buckley, and F. W. Wise, “Self-similar evolution of parabolic pulses in a laser cavity,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 213902-1 (2004).