!!Corneliu Iatu - Selected Publications
1. Corneliu IAȚU (coordinator), (2013) - ATLASUL ELECTORAL AL ROMÂNIEI / ATLAS ELECTORAL DE LA ROUMANIE / ELECTORAL ATLAS OF ROMANIA (1990 - 2009), Trilingual edition, Editura Universității Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, ISBN 978-973-703-629-2, 754 pag. - Award for best science book of the year - Bucharest, 2014.\\

2. Corneliu IAȚU, Ionel MUNTELE, (coordonators), (2009) - Atlasul statistico-geografic şi de amenajare a teritoriului judeţului Iaşi (Statistical-geographical and territorial planning atlas of Iasi County), Ed. Univ. „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, ISBN 978-973-703-301-7, 150 pag, 143 fig.\\

3. Corneliu IAȚU, (2006) - Démographie et géographie du travail en Roumanie post-décembriste (Demography and labour geography in post-December Romania), Ed. Sedcom Libris, Iaşi, 211 pag, ISBN: 973-670-171-9. - Award "Simion Mehedinti" of the Romanian Academy - Bucharest, 2006.\\

4. Corneliu IAȚU, Raluca HOREA-SERBAN, (2011) – Rumanías en transición a país de inmigración, pp. 165-184, in Miguel Pajares, Olga Jubany (coord.), Sindicatos e inmigración en Europea, 1990-2010; Análisis comparativo de las dinámicas y acciones en siete países de la Unión Europea, Icaria Editorial, Barcelona, ISBN: 978-84-9888-367-1.\\

5. Corneliu IAȚU, Ciprian ALUPULUI, (2011) - Structural Funds Absorption in Romania: Factor Analysis of NUTS 3 Level, in Transformations in Business & Economics, pp. 612-630, ISSN 1648-4460.\\

6. Corneliu IAȚU, Mihai BULAI, (2010) - A critical analysis on the evaluation of tourism attractiveness in Romania. Case study: the region of Moldavia in 5th WSEAS International Conference on Economy and Management (vol. I). ISBN: 978-960-474-240-0, pp. 145-150.\\

7. Gabriela Carmen PASCARIU, Corneliu IAȚU, Liviu MAHA (editors coordonators), (2009) - Provocări europene într-o lume globală (European Challenges in a Global World), Editura Univertăţii Al.I.Cuza Iaşi, 244 pag., ISBN 978-973-703-447-2.