!!Bernhard Hurch - Curriculum Vitae

*Since 1994: Professor (Chair) of General and Applied Linguistics, Director of the Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Graz.\\
*__Studies:  __1973-1985 University of Vienna (Austria) and 1980-82 in addition U Pisa (Italy)\\
*Academic titels & Dottore  in lettere (U Pisa) \\
*Dr. phil. (U Vienna - 1986)\\
*Privatdozent (Bergische U Wuppertal - 1991)\\
*Ordentlicher Universitätsprofessor (Chair - U Graz - 1994)\\
__Professional carreer:__  
*1980-1986 Lecturer / U of Genoa\\
*1986-1991 University assistent (U Wuppertal)\\
*1991-1992 & 1992-1993 Contract professor U Osnabrück & U Jena\\
*1993-1994 Heisenberg Scholarship\\
*1994-today Full professor (chair) Linguistics (U Graz)\\
*1994 declined offer for chair in Romance linguistics (U Frankfurt)
__Academic functions:__  
*1995 - 2004 and 2006-present Head of Institute of Linguistics (U Graz)\\
*2003 - 2004 Head of Institute of Information Processing (U Graz)\\
*2004 Vice Dean and Dean of Research, Faculty Humanities, U Graz\\
*2005 - 2006 Dean of the Faculty\\
*Head of various search committees and committees of habilitation\\
Project work and cooperations: Director of various research projects funded by the Austrian Science Fund, Regional Government of Styria, Basque Government - Cultural Department, Malwinen Stiftung, cooperation with Swiss National Fund, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft et al. on Wilhelm von Humboldt, Reduplication, Hugo Schuchardt Archive; see websites [http://reduplication.uni-graz.at], [http://schuchardt.uni-graz.at], [http://humboldt.uni-graz.at]\\
Official project cooperations with numerous foreign research institutions; recently: Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, University of Zurich, Hjelmslev Project at Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Leiden University, Colegio de México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. \\
Guest teaching and invited lectures in numerous European and transatlantic institutions. Plenary lectures at various congresses.\\ \\