!!Richard Lawrence Hunter - Selected publications
2014 Hesiodic Voices: Studies in the ancient reception of the Works and Days\\
2012 Plato and the Traditions of Ancient Literature: the silent stream. Cambridge: CUP \\
2011 (with D Russell), Plutarch, How to Study Poetry (De audiendis poetis) Cambridge: CUP \\
2009 Critical Moments in Classical Literature. Studies in the ancient view of literature and its uses Cambridge: CUP \\
2008 On Coming After. Studies in Post-­Classical Greek Literature and its Reception. Berlin: De Gruyter \\
2006 The Shadow of Callimachus. Cambridge: CUP \\
2004 (with M Fantuzzi), Tradition and Innovation in Hellenistic Poetry Cambridge: CUP \\
2004 Platos Symposium. New York: OUP \\
2003 Theocritus: Encomium of Ptolemy Philadelphus Berkeley: University of California \\
1999 Theocritus. A Selection. Cambridge: CUP \\
1996 Theocritus and the Archaeology of Greek Poetry. Cambridge: CUP\\
1993 The Argonautica of Apollonius: Literary Studies