!!Ryszard Horodecki - Biography
Ryszard Horodecki is professor in theoretical physics, graduated as an Msc Eng. of electronics, received PhD on broadening of optical lines due to di-atomic molecule collisions and become a specialist in foundations of particle-wave dualism in 80-s. He  pioneered quantum information in Poland since mid. 90-s, providing with his collaborators fundamental contributions to quantum entanglement theory, the achievements that made Gdańsk (together with those of quantum interferometry by professor Marek Żukowski) a worldwide recognised quantum information centre. Ryszard Horodecki has pioneered the EU projects in Poland in quantum information. He received numerous awards in Poland.
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Author of 93 papers cited above 12 500 (h-index 39 and average citation 136 per item). His achievements include well-known contributions to the theory of quantum entanglement:  providing framework for practical entanglement detection in terms of entanglement witnesses theory; discovery of irreversible form of entanglement called bound entanglement; contributions to quantifying entanglement; linking quantum correlations with thermodynamics; identification of general quantum teleportation channel; no-local-broadcasting theorem; formulation of theory of objectivity i.e. emergence of classical features from quantum dynamics. Leader  of numerous projects, in particular: (i) node leader of EU projects: EQUIP (2000-2002) – the first EU project on quantum information, QUPRODIS and RESQ (2003-2005), SCALA IP (2005-2009); leader of ERC AdG QOLAPS (2012-2016) - only 4 grants of that type in Poland have been realised so far; (ii) leader of Polish projects Ideas Plus MNiSW(2011-2014), Maestro NCN (2011-2014), and other projects from state agencies. In 2007 he established  National Quantum Information Centre of Gdansk, with  participating 7 Polish universities, and 2 PAS institutes. He had run the Centre for more than 10 years as a director and  organized 10 international symposia gathering top scientists in quantum information.\\ \\