!!Francois Holtz - Publications
__Five publications among the most cited:__\\
Holtz F., Pichavant M., Barbey P., Johannes W. (1992) Effects of H2O on liquidus phase relations in the haplogranitic system at 2 and 5 kbar. American Mineralogist, 77, 1223-1241. \\
Holtz F., Behrens H., Dingwell D.B., Johannes W. (1995) Water solubility in haplogranitic melts. Compositional, pressure and temperature dependence. American Mineralogist, 80, 94-108.  \\
Johannes W., Holtz F. (1996) Petrogenesis and experimental petrology of granitic rocks. Springer Verlag, 335 p. \\
Holtz F., Johannes W., Tamic N., Behrens H. (2001) Maximum and minimum water contents of granitic melts: a reexamination and implications. Lithos 56: 1-14.\\
Berndt, J., Koepke, J., Holtz, F. (2005) Influence of H2O and oxygen fugacity on differentiation of Mid Ocenic Ridge Basalts at 200 MPa. Journal of Petrology, 46, 135-167.\\
__Ten recent publications:__ \\
Fiege A., Holtz F., Shimizu N., Mandeville C.W.,  Behrens H., Knipping J.L. (2014) Sulfur isotope fractionation between fluid and andesitic melt: an experimental Study.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 142, 501-521.\\
Shishkina T.A., Botcharnikov R.E., Holtz F., Almeev R., Jazwa A., Jakubiak A. (2014) \\
Compositional and pressure effects on the solubility of H2O and CO2 in mafic melts,Chemical Geology, 388, 112-129.\\
Bolte T., Holtz F., Almeev R. Nash B. (2015) The Blacktail Creek Tuff: An analytical and experimental study of rhyolites from the Heise volcanic field, Yellowstone hotspot system. Contrib Mineral Petrol, 169, 2, 1-24; doi: 10.1007/s00410-015-1112-0\\
Botcharnikov R.E., Holtz, F., Behrens H. (2015): Solubility and fluid-melt partitioning of H2O and Cl in andesitic magmas as a function of pressure between 50 to 500 MPa. Chemical Geology, 418, 117-131. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.07.019\\
Mironov N., Portnyagin M., Botcharnikov R., Gurenko A., Hoernle K., Holtz F. (2015) Quantification of the CO2 budget and H2O-CO2 systematics in subduction-zone magmas through the experimental hydration of melt inclusions in olivine at high H2O pressure. Earth Planet Sci Letter, 425, 1-11.\\
Husen A., Almeev R., Holtz F. (2016)  The Role of H2O and Pressure on Multiple Saturation and Liquid Lines of Descent in Basalts from the Shatsky Rise, Journal of Petrology, doi: 10.1093/petrology/egw008\\
Namur O., Collinet M., Charlier B., Grove T., Holtz F., McCammon C. (2016) Melting processes and mantle sources of surface lavas on Mercury. Earth Planet Sci Letter, 439,117-128.\\
Namur O., Charlier B., Holtz F., Cartier C., McCammon C. (2016) Sulfur solubility in reduced mafic silicate melts: Implications for the speciation and distribution of sulphur on Mercury. Earth Planet Sci Letter, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.05.024.\\
Hou T, Charlier B, Namur O, Schütte P, Schwarz-Schampera U, Zhang Z, Holtz F (2017) Experimental study of liquid immiscibility in the Kiruna-type Vergenoeg iron–fluorine deposit, South Africa. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 203, 303-322\\
Wilke S., Holtz F., Almeev R., Neave D. (2017) The effect of anorthite content and water on quartz feldspar-cotectic compositions in the rhyolitic system and implications for geobarometry. J Petrology, doi: 10.1093/petrology/egx034