!!Jan S. Hesthaven - Biography
*1991 - MSc., Numerical analysis, Technical University of Denmark\\
*1995 - PhD, Numerical analysis, Technical University of Denmark\\
*2009 - Dr.Techn, Technical University of Denmark\\
Professor Hesthaven's research interests focus on the development, analysis, and application of high-order accurate computational methods for the solution of complex time-dependent problems, often requiring high-performance computing. A particular focus of his research has been on the development of computational methods for problems of linear and non-linear wave problems with applications to optics, radar applications, gravity waves, and geophysical flows, eg for tsunami prediction. He has also made significant contributions to the development of reduced order models to allow the accurate real-time modeling of complex systems. A recent emphasis has been on combining traditional methods with machine learning and neural networks with broad applications, including structural health monitoring.\\
Throughout his career, he has worked collaboratively with engineers and applied scientists in the public or private sector. He has co-authored more than 175 papers and 5 monographs, several of which have become standard references.\\
He is an Alfred P Sloan Fellow, a SIAM Fellow, an AMS Fellow, a member at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, and an ICM invited speaker (2022).\\
He has mentored more than 25 postdoctoral researchers and 24 PhD students, all of whom hold positions at internationally leading universities or research based companied. He has likewise hosted a large number of visiting students and researchers in his group at Brown and EPFL.\\
He has led numerous international evaluation and assessment committees, serves on the technical advisor boards of several companies, on the science advisory board of the Excellence Cluster at the University of Stuttgart, on the Board of Trustees of SIAM, and is an external member of the governing board of the University of Copenhagen.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit jhesthaven}][{ALLOW upload jhesthaven}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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