!!Thomas Heine - Curriculum Vitae

*1995 Graduation in physics, TU Clausthal, Germany\\
*1999 PhD in Theoretical Physics, TU Dresden, Germany\\
*2006 Venia legendi in Physical Chemistry, TU Dresden, Germany\\
*2007 Associate, 2011 Full Professor (Jacobs University)\\
*2015 Chair Professor (Leipzig University)\\
*2018 Chair Professor (TU Dresden)
__Research interests and areas of expertise__
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A theoretical materials scientist with focus in application and development of quantum-mechanical methods for calculations of nanoscale materials. Areas of expertise include 2D crystals, metal-organic frameworks, covalent-organic frameworks, 2D polymers, and materials for the production and storage of hydrogen, as well as for hydrogen isotope separation.\\
__Scientific achievements:__
*2021 Clarivate highly cited researcher (h-index: 90, >26000 citations)\\
*2020 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry\\
*Author of 1 text book, 10 book chapters, 345 scientific articles\\
*>100 invited conference talks, including >15 pleanry or keynote lectures
__Authorship in major scientific software products:__\\
1. DFTB and UFF in ADF2012-2021 ([http://www.scm.com])\\
2. deMon2K – a DFT package ([http://www.demon-software.com])\\
__Memberships:__ GDCh, Royal Society of Chemistry, DHV\\
__Visiting Professorships:__
*2021 Nanjing Forestry University, China\\
*2020 Yonsei University Seoul, Republic of Korea\\
*2020 Institute of Basic Science for Nanomedicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea\\
*2013 VU Amsterdam / SCM NV Amsterdam, The Netherlands\\
*2009 Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse, France
__Coordination of major research projects:__
*Coordinator of Marie S. Curie Networks: ITN 2Exciting (GA 9556813, 2020 - 2024), EID PROPAGATE (GA 316897, 2012 - 2016), IRSES TEMM1P (GA 295172, 2012-2015)-\\
*Coordinator of Indo-European NMP HYPOMAP (GA 233482, 2009 - 2012)\\
*Coordinator of DFG Priority Program 2244 “2D Materials – Physics of van-der-Waals [[hetero]structures”, 2019 - 2026\\
*ERC Starting Grant C3ENV (GA 256962, 2011 - 2016)\\
*DFG Collaborative Research Center 1415, Deputy speaker, 2020 - 2024\\
__Organization of international conferences, workshops and summer schools:__
*Flatlands Beyond Graphene: founding conference 2013 (Bremen), 2017 (Leipzig)\\
*CECAM workshops (2013 Bremen, 2014 Lausanne)\\
*Lorentz center workshop (2013 Leiden)\\
*WE Heraeus summer schools (2011, 2014)\\ \\