!!Ian Haynes - Biography
Prof. Haynes received his doctorate in Roman archaeology from Oxford University in 1994, then lectured there for a year while also working as a field archaeologist for Oxford Archaeology. \\
Thereafter he moved to Birkbeck College, University of London as Lecturer in Archaeology (October 1995), and became Director of the college's rapidly developing Archaeology and History programme. Finally, he was awarded the Chair of Archaeology at Newcastle University in 2007 as full Professor. \\
Since then he served in various roles within the University, including Director of Research for the School of Historical Studies and Head of Archaeology. \\
Prof. Haynes directs, with Prof. Peter Stone, the University's Frontiers of the Roman Empire Digital Humanities Initiative ([https://research.ncl.ac.uk/fredhi]) and leads NU Digital Heritage ([http://www.nu-digitalheritage.com]).  \\
Prof. Haynes co-directed the tri-national Apulum Project together with Prof. Alexandru Diaconescu of the University of Cluj, and Priv. Doz. Dr Alfred Schäfer, then of Humboldt University, now of the Römisch-Germanisches Museum, Cologne and Cologne University. \\
He co-directed the Lateran Project together with Prof. Paolo Liverani of the University of Florence, \\
He co-organized the international conference at The British School at Rome on the Lateran Basilica together with Liverani and prof. Lex Bosman of the university of Amsterdam (proceedings under press - Cambridge University Press)\\
Lastly, he is the PI of the Rome Transformed project (an ERC advanced grant) in collaboration with the University of Florence, the Institute for the Science of Cultural Heritage (ISPC) of the Italian National Council of Research (CNR) and the British School Rome. https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/835271 \\
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