!!Uwe Hasebring - Ten Key Publications

*Hasebrink, Uwe; Jensen, Klaus B.; van den Bulck, Hilde; Hölig, Sascha; Maeseele, Pieter (2015): Changing Patterns of Media Use Across Cultures: A Challenge for Longitudinal Research. In: International Journal of Communication 9(1), S. 435-457.\\
*Hasebrink, Uwe; Lobe, Bojana (2013): The Cultural Context of Risk. On the Role of Intercultural Differences for Safer Internet Issues. In: O'Neill, B., Staksrud, E., & McLaughlin, S. (Eds.): Towards a better internet for children? Policy Pillars, Players and Paradoxes. Göteborg: Nordicom, S. 283-299.\\
*Hasebrink, Uwe; Paus-Hasebrink, I. (2013): Trends in children's consumption of media. In: D. Lemish (Ed.): The Routledge International Handbook of Children, Adolescents and Media. Milton Park & London: Routledge Taylor & Francis, S. 31-38.\\
*Hasebrink, Uwe (2012): Comparing Media Use and Reception. In: Esser, Frank; Hanitzsch, Thomas (Eds.): The Handbook of Comparative Communication Research. New York/London: Routledge, pp. 382-399.\\
*Hasebrink, Uwe (2012): The role of the audience within media governance: The neglected dimension of media literacy. In: Media Studies 3 (6), S. 58-73.\\
*Hasebrink, Uwe; Domeyer, Hanna (2012): Media repertoires as patterns of behaviour and as meaningful practices: A multimethod approach to media use in converging media environments. In: Participations 9 (2), S. 757-783.\\
*Hasebrink, Uwe (2011): Giving the audience a voice: The role of research in making media regulation more responsive to the needs of the audience. In: Journal of Information Policy 1, pp. 321-336.\\
*Hasebrink, Uwe; Stetka, V.; Olafsson, K. (2010): Commonalities and Differences. How to Learn from International Comparisons of Children’s Online Behaviour. In: International Journal for Media and Cultural Politics 6, No. 1, pp. 9-24. \\
*Hasebrink, Uwe; Herzog, A.; Eilders, C. (2006): Media users’ participation in Europe from a civil society perspective. In: Baldi, P.; Hasebrink, Uwe (Hrsg.): Broadcasters and Citizens in Europe. Trends in Media Accountability and Viewer Participation. Bristol: Intellect, S. 75-91.\\
*Hasebrink, Uwe; Popp, J. (2006): Media repertoires as a result of selective media use. A conceptual approach to the analysis of patterns of exposure. In: Communications 31, No. 3, pp. 369-387.\\
Full list of publications: [http://www.hans-bredow-institut.de/de/publikationen/14]